Chapter 2 - Eli's POV

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Chapter 2

I hate waking up in the morning. I mean first the blaring alarm, getting out of bed in the morning, having to take a shower and get dressed. Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm just lazy but that morning routine is a lot of work.

Rolling out of bed, I landed on the floor and was way too lazy to pick up my weight and go to the bathroom.

"Eli, get up," my mom knocks on the door.

"Yeah, yeah," I groan.

"Eli if you don't get up I'm not buying you anymore of that hair gel, you're so fond of." my mom yells and I immediately sit up before running over to open the door.

"No, no, no you can't do this to me!" I panick.

Laughing in reply she shakes her head as she makes her way down the hall, "Just like your dad,"

"I only have one more container left!" I yell down the hall.

"I'll pick some up from your Aunt Rebecca's after work!" she answers. "Now get dressed!"

"Alright," I yell and walk to the bathroom.

After taking a shower, I head to my closet and put on a black and white baseball tee with a pair of jeans. Grabbing a pair of socks, I slip those on and a pair of shoes. Heading over to the bathroom I grab my container of hair gel and open it. Running a hand through my hair I fix my hair perfectly and then close it, putting it on my shelf behind the mirror and wash my hands.

"I still don't understand why you both are so hair obsessed," Mom shakes her head as I walk into the kitchen.

"To impress girls like you," my dad replies and kisses her on the cheek.

"So who are you trying to impress Eli?" my mom asks as she puts a plate of pancakes on the table.

"No one," I lie.

"Is it Adeline?" she presses, recalling the one girl I had ever brought home to hang out with.

"Mom," I groan.

"Leave the poor boy alone," Dad jumps in to save me.

Mouthing a thank you to him, I take the plate he's given me and grab two pancakes to coat them in butter and drench them in syrup.

"Alright, I have to get ready for work anyways," my mom says and leaves the kitchen.

Turning on the tv, my dad and I eat our pancakes and watch the news in silence. When I'm finished I put my dishes in the sink and my dad asks me if I'm ready to go.

Telling him I need to grab my backpack, he tells me to meet him in the garage.

Walking down the hall to my room I grab my beaten up dark blue backpack and open the garage door. Heading to the car, the passenger door is already open and I climb inside.

The ride to school is silent as we make the short trip to Lenndale.

"Winter Wonderland?" my dad reads the banner that's posted on above our school doors.

"Some stupid dance," I shake my head as I grip the door handle.

"You should go," he shrugs.

"Nah, not really in the mood to have to dress up and all that prep stuff," I open the door and step outside.

"Who knows, you might just like it," he smiles as I slam the door shut.

"Whatever, thanks for the ride," I say and walk to the front doors.

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