Chapter 14 - Eli's POV

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Chapter 14


Adjusting my tie, I fix my hair a bit. Shrugging there's a few stray hairs sticking up but I don't care too much about them.

Truth be told I'm excited to enjoy my night but at the same time it's not going to be how it was. How perfect it always was.

I stare at myself in the reflection as I run a hand through my jet black hair. Dad had let me use some of his styling hair gel because I had some serious bed head this morning. Even after taking a shower my dad jumped at the chance for me to fix up my hair.

My tie is black, which I had to go and buy because Adeline always wore colors she knew I had ties for. I know it's weird that I didn't have a black tie, I had only ever needed dark red, navy blue, and emerald green ties.

She was always very considerate and I had always loved that. She knew that things were pricey, and although my family could probably afford a mere tie, the girl treated it as if it was a burden to her. Which it probably would have been because she always said I was color blind.

As Winter Wonderland was Lenndale's near equivalent to prom, Julia had suggested we rent a limo with a few friends. When I hadn't replied to her within a few hours she had decided that she would pay our share of the fee.

I had texted her I would pay but she said I was too slow and said it would be okay because I had to buy a new tie anyways.

Grabbing my wallet from my dresser, I make sure I have enough money should we grab a snack after the dance. Unplugging my phone from its charger I have ten unread texts. I'm late aren't I?

Groaning I scroll through the group chat and see that we're meeting up at Zach's place because the girls had decided to get ready in Bethany's room.

Brent texts me asking me if I'm ready. Telling him I am, he says to come over. Slipping my phone into my pocket, I go into the fridge and grab the small bouquet of flowers my mom had bought, telling me that Adeline would like them. I haven't told her that Adeline and I no longer talk or are as close as we once were. She probably has noticed that she hasn't been over in a long time but everytime she asks I tell her she's been studying for the SAT or AP exams depending on the time in the semester.

"Bye mom, dad," I yell before grabbing my keys and leaving the house.

Locking the door I walk a few blocks to Brent's house.

Ringing the doorbell, he opens it and yanks me in,

"I asked Addison to the dance and I don't know if she's thinking this is a friend date or an actual date. Like what if she thinks this is a friend date because I typically ask whoever girl is pretty cool that I hung out with that year." Brent blurts out.

"Breathe dude," I tell him.

"Okay I'm good, just had to get that out." Brent lets out a breath.

"Let's get a move on it," I gesture towards the door.

"Alright," he says before grabbing his keys and turning off the lights.


"For me? You shouldn't have!" Beck says as he opens the door to find Brent and I standing there.

"If any of you come upstairs I will kill you all," Bethany interrupts as she comes down the stairs in her grey joggers and dark blue v-neck.

"Love you too babe," Beck shouts.

"That includes you," she gives him a pointed look.

"You weren't thinking that last week," he winks.

"Enough, enough," Zach exclaims, trying to avoid hearing the conversation very much implying a certain activity that is traditionally done in the bedroom.

After munching on snacks that we found in the cupboards, Zach takes a call in the kitchen.

"Babe what's wrong?" he says concerned as he walks out of earshot.

After a few minutes, Zach runs up the stairs halfway.

"Beth!" he shouts.

"Yeah?" she replies.

"Picking up Adeline her parents' car broke down, limo's going to come in ten minutes," Zach reminds her as he takes a look at his watch.

"Tell her to get an Uber over here!" Michael suggests.

Zach waves the idea off as it would probably still not make it in time.

"I will see you all at the dance," Zach says picking up his blazer and buttoning it.

After we all said our byes to Zach who probably didn't hear us, Michael suggested we clean up. Or at the very least put the dishes in the dishwasher.

The limo came shortly after we had cleaned the area. Beck took the initiative, but most importantly made the sacrifice of going upstairs after Michael had noticed the limo out front.

"#PrayForBeck2k16," Brent said as the Beck began walking up the stairs.

A few minutes later Beck and Bethany walked down the stairs hand in hand. Following the duo was Julia, Riley, Addison, and Carissa.

"Pictures, we have to take pictures!" Bethany shouted.

"The limo's here though," Riley commented.

"Well the driver will have to wait," Bethany rolled her eyes.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road then." Beck began as he slung his camera trap over his neck. "Michael, Riley,"

After taking pictures for about ten minutes we took a group photo as Beck had his tripod and set it on timer.

"Wait, just leave your camera here. We'll be back later anyways," Bethany said shooing her boyfriend out the door before turning the lights off and locking up.

We filed into the limo quickly as the driver was impatiently standing outside of the door tapping his foot. Forcing a smile he greeted Michael first, whom might I add was very uncomfortable with his stare.

The ride was pretty quick as we had spent most of the ride playing music off of Parker's playlist.

Arriving at the hotel, we thanked the driver and got out one by one.

As if we were programmed, we walked in pairs. Carissa and Parker whom both didn't have dates walked together, coincidentally wearing matching colors. As Carissa wore a red dress and Parker sporting a red tie the same shade.

After thirty minutes or so upon entering the ballroom we were all sat at a large table.

"Please don't tell me-" Sierra yelled at one of the sophomores who was pushing a cart across the dancefloor. "No no no!" Sierra instructed him to go elsewhere as he hurriedly walked towards the hallway.

Russell had been collecting coats in the front of the ballroom, not so willingly might I add.

"Do you want to dance?" Julia asked me as I was seated not so comfortably.

"Sure," I said and got up taking her hand and making our way towards the dancefloor.

The song was upbeat and the dancefloor was filled with sweaty bodies. I turned to the entrance and spotted Zach and Adeline walking in. Although she was not wrapped in his embrace like I'd always seen her.

Her eyeshadow was a bit smudged although, I could be wrong as girls always liked to do that smokey eye thing where their make up was supposed to be messed up. Which made no sense to me but what do I know about fashion, right?

Approached by Bethany she put on a fake smile and I knew that something was up.

But I stood their frozen, yet still moving to whatever beat was playing. Breathless, but still breathing. Whatever in the world you could describe the moment in which you wanted, longed, to hold someone tight ask them what was wrong yet you didn't do a thing. You just continued to do what was not your intention, you didn't mind the consequences, the hurt someone was facing.

You just didn't do a thing.

"Hey, let's go say hi to Zach and Adeline," Julia suggested as she put her hand on my shoulder and said that close to my ear.

Nodding my head, I was speechless.
I didn't know how to say no. I knew I needed to see her and talk to her, to make sure she was okay but I was in no place to do so. We were not best friends, I suppose her and Julia were.

And maybe that was the only way I'd be able to see her, talk to her, and be with her again.

I know I'm going to regret a lot of things tonight.

Author's Note~

OH MY GOSH WE HIT 1K FOLLOWERS (on sunday apparently) but i didn't exactly know how to celebrate and nobody cared enough to help a sister out. anyways i honestly don't know how to celebrate and if ya'll don't have any ideas or comment then i'll just continue to update weekly and stuff. no biggie i just wanted to show appreciation for all of my followers who hopefully read this book too. wink wink nudge nudge.

until the next update <3

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