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╰┈➤ ❝Good, good

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╰┈➤ ❝Good, good. I like it when you shut your mouth.❞

"...yes. It's related to my breathing style after all." You simply stated with a small smile form on your mouth while the rest were just confused at your statement.

"What's that?" "What the hell is that?" They asked in unison, turning their head to you.

"Oh right, of course, you guys didn't know about it. Breathing styles are swordsmanship styles to make esoteric breathing techniques known as Total Concentration Breathing. We used it to kill demons and mine is Moon Breathing." You explained, playfully swang your legs.

Some of them don't really get what you said but they don't want to risk their mentality to ask you about it as they know they probably would get a sarcastic reply from you anyway. "Hmm... never expected you're this slow, Izana." That was what you responded to the white-haired male once before. So, they just nodded their head, pretending to understand your explanation.

The atmosphere was filled with silence after that until one hand shot up in the air attached to the vice-captain of the Toman First Division. "One question, Y/n!"

Tenjiku and Toman sweatdropped at how the male acted like a kindergarten who was curious and it didn't help their dumbfounded expression when you played along with it.

"Yes, Chifuyu?!" Using the same tone as his while pointing your index finger at him happily with a smile. The said male questioned you afterward.

"Where do demons come from?"

Your smile went down at his unexpected question as you hung your head low with a frown, earning a weird look from them at your sudden change of mood while Takemichi nudged Chifuyu for asking probably a sensitive or taboo question and making a shhh gesture at him but your voice brought their attention back to you.

"Demons are originally humans but... because of that certain person, they turned into one whether willingly or forcibly."

Kisaki scoffed, interrupting you. "So basically you guys were slaying human beings, huh? Talking about hypocrite people here." He commented harshly, crossing his arms with a cocky smirk and leaning on the wooden wall.

Hanma and Ran let out a snicker, Rindou rolled his eyes boredly and stuffed himself with the rice, Izana smirked at the ruthless words he threw at you, and Sanzu and Koko sighed tiredly as they didn't want to get involved in this shit. Toman on the hand, was obviously pissed at him as they were ready to throw hands at the glasses male, turning their gaze at him.

"You bastard!"



"Ah... I wanna kill someone real bad, Ken-chin."

"Mikey, don't."

"Oh, now you wanna be a smartass shit?" Smiley stated and laughed frustrated afterward while Angry huffed angrily.

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