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╰┈➤ ❝People like you really had to be greeted with a high five in the face and with a chair thrown on your face

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╰┈➤ ❝People like you really had to be greeted with a high five in the face and with a chair thrown on your face.❞

The next three days you didn't even bother to see them, letting them do whatever they wanted with Tanjieo while you did your job as the Love Hashira's tsuguko.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here longer, Y/n-chan?" Asked your mentor, Mitsuri in concern as both you and she were walking through the villages to go to the swordsmith's place to get the braid-haired female's katana while you accompanied her.

"It's fine, Kanroji-san. Plus, I'm here in the first place because I want to come with you after all." You replied and gave her a closed-eyed smile, making her blush at your words with love scenery appearing in her background.

'Aw! My tsuguko is so cute!' Mitsuri squealed inside her mind before holding your hand and pulling you along with her. "Then, let's go!" She skipped with her cheery smile and you followed after her.

You chuckled at her optimistic self, sometimes you loathed how reckless she could be but you were thankful for the female to be your mentor. "Yes."

While both of them were walking, the older female suddenly stopped midway and let out a loud happy gasp. "What with this nice smell?! The food smells so good! Let's stop by here for a few minutes." She stated and you knew it would take around a few hours as always.

You and Mitsuri were planning to get out of this Swordsmith Village right after her katana was done but before that, your mentor just had to drag you to the restaurant and of course, she would spend at least 5 to 8 hours there, eating all kinds of food while you watched her happily and eat as slow as you could so you wouldn't hurt her feelings.

"Mister, another bowl!" Ordered the Hashira enthusiastically.

"Sorry miss. But we are out of stock." The staff replied in panic and bowed to her apologetically.

"Aw..." She pouted in a sulking way and turned to you, smiling with her dot eyes. "Y/n-chan, if you don't want the rice balls, you can give them to me!"

"Haha, sure. Here." You gave her your own, pushing the plate to her and she cheered in delight, thanking you before munching them.

As you were watching your mentor's antics, your mind then drifted toward the time travel group all of a sudden. You pondered whether was it the right thing to do, leaving them here without proper protection from any strong slayer, don't get the wrong idea, Tanjiro was strong enough in your opinion but he still needed more training to get stronger.

However, It was not your responsibility to get them in check or anything, Oyakata-sama just asked you to investigate their problem even though you felt quite heavy to leave them here but you immediately shook away that unpleasant feeling.

Your eyes then shifted to the side, out of the window, and saw the Mist Hashira, Tokito Muichiro walking through the crowd with his usual stoic face which made you a little bit at ease, sighing in relief, knowing that he would stay here a bit longer.

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