08 - 𝘚𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘦𝘥 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘴

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I stared at my reflection. It's ugly.
But not ugly enough for him to leave me alone.

I take the bandages off. I try to rub off dried blood with wet napkins. It hurts, but I can handle it.
What I can't handle is his hands all over me again.

I feel extreme hatred towards myself. Not because I want to be pretty, but because I want to be as ugly as I can get. Covered in scars, so no one will ever find me even slightly attractive.

I don't like them though, they make me feel pathetic, and weird.
I wish I could be like those girls with pretty bodies and peaceful lives.
But instead, I got these scars all over my body.

I can cover up cars on my face with makeup, but I can't cover my whole body with concealer, can i?

Maybe it's a good thing. Maybe one day, he'll disappear from my life and no other man is going to be attracted to me because no one likes scars.
One or two? That's fine, but my whole body is covered in them.

No one will ever like them.

"Took you long enough. Everything alright?" Gally approached me with a barely noticeable smile on his face.

"How about we go home? We've been working for hours. I think it's enough for today." I ignored his question.

"Alright, want me to drive you?"
"No, I'll take a bus." I smile and take my purse.
"Okay then, have a good evening!" Yeah I doubt that.
"You too!" I yell as I walk out of the theater.

I check my phone, I still have thirty minutes.
Come on Mila, you can't be that scared of some pathetic man.
Act tough!

I don't even realize how I pay in the bus and take a seat.
I lean on the window with my head. I still have fifteen minutes.

I let out a sigh. I was finally forgetting this feeling.
I hated everything that reminded me of that feeling.

I hated myself the most, because that was mainly what reminded me of him.

He told me to leave, and I did. I ran as quickly as I could. Tears were making it harder to see, but that didn't stop me.

It didn't work.
He still had his way with me, and I let it happen.

I was running like someone was chasing me.
Like he was chasing me.

Then I fell. I got up, and continued running. I could feel the burn in my stomach, but that didn't stop me.

I only stopped when I felt blood on my knees.
I looked down, my jeans were ripped and my knees were showing.

I remembered my childhood. I always had bloody knees, because I wouldn't stop running.
It was always my favorite thing to do.

My mom always complained, she always told me that I would regret having this many scars on my knees, But the only thing I regret is not having more.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" Little boy approached me. I wiped my tears and looked at him.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled at him.
"Were you playing tag you're it?" Excited smile formed on his face.

"Yes." I chuckled. "Yes I was." I sniffled and got up from my chair.
"Awh, I have those too." He motioned to his shorts, his knees had dried blood on them.
"It doesn't hurt anymore, yours will be okay too. Don't cry!" He smiled and hugged my legs.
My breath hitched.

"Thank you, little one." I smiled and patted his head.

He ran off with his friends. Laughing and screaming from excitement.
I hope he will forever stay that happy.

I didn't run anymore. That little kid had more impact on me than I expected.

I decided to treat my scraped knees at the nearest pharmacy and then go home.

But nothing ever is that easy.

"Mila!" I heard a familiar voice, which I recognized right away.

I would recognize his voice anywhere and anytime, even if thousands of people were talking at the same time.

I didn't answer.
He would ask too many questions and I wasn't planning on telling him anything.
Even though I wanted him to know every detail of my life, I wouldn't.

He stopped the car, and called for me again. This time I stopped too.

"Sit, I'll drive you."
"I'm fine by myself." I looked at him and I could tell something in his expression changed immediately.

"Were you crying?" He frowned, but also lifted up corners of his lips. "Who do I need to beat up?" His eyes twinkled.

I hated that smile. I hated his dimples, his perfect hair which was even better when it was messy. I hated his voice, his eyes. I hated everything about him.

"Shut up and go. I'll be fine." My voice was still a bit shaky, but I hoped he wouldn't notice.
"Come on, Mila. At least do it for your brother, it's already dark and you know he'll get worried."

I sighed. But still sat in his car.

"How you care about Newt genuinely amazes me." He broke silence, which was the last thing I wanted. I hummed, but he wouldn't stop talking. "You okay? What were you doing there all by yourself?"

Oh nothing interesting, really. Just some pathetic man trying to ruin my already ruined life.

"I was just walking." I leaned on the window with my head.
"Your knees are bleeding."
"I know. I fell." He started laughing. "The fuck you're laughing at?" I snapped.
"Nothing, nothing." He couldn't stop. "I just remembered how you fell from that one carousel when we were ten. I'm sorry." He tried to calm himself down, but he couldn't. I laughed too.

I hated how he made me feel things. I was mad at him, yet he could make me cry from laughing.

"Now that's the Mila I know!" He smiled and looked at me.
But my smile faded.
"You ruined it." I looked away. "The moment. You ruined the moment by your stupid comment."

"Seriously, what's wrong? You can talk, Mila." He frowned but didn't stop looking at the road.
"Rather not." I yawned and leaned back to my seat. My eyes felt heavy, and soon I couldn't hear him.

Help I was gonna write this chapter yesterday but lights went out when my phone was dying😭

Thanks for the comments, I love you all!!

Take care!!

𝗔𝗹𝗲𝘅𝗶𝘁𝗵𝘆𝗺𝗶𝗮 - TMR AU, Minho.Where stories live. Discover now