2|Must the plan continue?

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Chapter Two|Must the plan continue?Mbalenhle KhumaloSecond week of September|Sunday,5 September 2021England,The Sexy Spice Club and Bar|7:45PM

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Chapter Two|Must the plan continue?
Mbalenhle Khumalo
Second week of September|Sunday,5 September 2021
England,The Sexy Spice Club and Bar|7:45PM

I feel so tired,we finally got to England,we got our place and also made sure that Khanya is okay in Paris. Tomorrow I'm starting my nursing journey at a good nursing college in England.

Keneoue doesn't know I'm planning to get an education while stalking Gianluca. How on earth will I get a handsome man like him to look at a girl like me?

We get to my dad's club and bar,it seems like it's doing well and everyone is doing well. I wonder how the books look because I know my older sister and her madness.

I look at Kimberly and she's watching a match.”You and soccer?Who is playing?”

“You know me, Chelsea and Utd.”She replies and I nod my head.”You know,I suggest you get your soccer lingo on.”

“I am not doing that job even if it's for my own benefit. What if the guy has his own girlfriend and children?I have a heart and soul, Kimberly.”I whisper and hear people scream, causing me to look at the television and Utd is scoring.

“Okay,so what are you doing in England?”

“Tomorrow is going to be my first day at a nursing college.”

“You want to live mom's dream of being a nurse?”She asks me with widened eyes and I nod my head with a smile.”That is good. I'm so proud of you.”

“Thank you Kimberly.”I whisper as she wraps her arms around my neck and pats my back.”It calls for a celebration.”I say and take the menu to look at it.

”Man,you could have tried to dribble the ball so I wouldn't net that goal.”A husky deep Italian voice says. I look up and see Kimberly staring behind me.

“Good game through.”A man with a husky deep British accent.

“I think I'm going to need four shots.” Kimberly says and clears her throat causing me to furrow. She takes the menu and looks at it.

I look at the bartender and see him come to us.”Ladies,ready to order?”

“Yes, we'll have seven shots and two ciders.”I decide to order while Kimberly stares at the television and plays with her nails. I hear the conversation between the Italian voice and the other guy with a British accent.

I turn around to just steal a glance at them and I bite my lip. These men are fine,I turn around and see Kimberly watching TV.

I decide to pay for the drinks and we drink the shots. The shot burns my throat and I close my eyes.

“Did you see them?”I nudged her and she smiled.

“I saw them,Princess.”She replies with the nickname dad used to call me with and I just smile.”Your guy is the one with black hair and tattoos.”

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