8|The heart does what it wants

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Chapter Eight|The heart does what it wants Omniscient The next day|Saturday,02 October 2021Parc du Paris|3:56PM

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Chapter Eight|The heart does what it wants
The next day|Saturday,02 October 2021
Parc du Paris|3:56PM

She takes a deep breath as she walks to her seat and Kylian was kind enough to make it in the VIP section.

She takes off her bag and glasses before sitting down. She puts her glasses in between her boobs and takes her phone out.

She takes a few photos and decides to check them out and sees that someone was pouting at the back. She zooms in and sees it's the friend Kylian warned her about but she doesn't feel that negative energy.

“Kylian’s Khanya,right?”He says and Khanya nods her head not knowing why Kylian badmouthed Neymar.”Neymar.”A put his hand out and she shook it while keeping eye contact with him.

He chuckles and she takes her hand back and turns to watch the match. She decided to watch the match and she saw him come to sit next to me.”So,what do you do while you are here?”

“I am working.”She replies while watching the match and Kylian scores the match. He does his celebration causing her to smile and chuckle. He's so cute and funny. Yesterday was really amazing and she enjoyed every moment of it.

Neymar also couldn't stop staring at her,her beauty infatuated him and the guy was filled with nothing but lust. He knows she has been taken by his best friend, Kylian but he wants Khanya with everything in him.

She takes videos and photos as she watches the game until it's finally over. She walks to her car and takes her phone out to see where Kylian is.

Kylian Mbappé

Where are you?🤔

“Hey beautiful woman.”She hears a soft tone say from behind and Kylian hugs her from behind.”You came?”

She turns around and wraps her arms around his neck.”Mmmm.”She smiles.”And you decided to score more than three goals?I'm proud of you.”She whispers and he smiles seeing his young brother from the corner of his eye.

“Let me go give my bag to my brother and then we are going to Neymar's house.”He explains and she nods her head, unwrapping from the hug. She turns around to see a PSG player talking to Neymar and he's staring at her with his hood over his head.

Khanya ignores him as she folds her arms and looks at Kylian coming to her and looks at where she is looking.”Let’s go?”

“Yeah.”Khanya replies as she walks to the driver's side and enters the car. She closes the door and starts the engine.”Please use your phone to give me directions?”

“Of course.”He replies and he takes his phone out. He punches the location of Neymar's house and starts to speak. They arrive at the house in less than forty minutes and see that the house is filled with many famous car brands -meaning people.

She parks the car and unbuckles the seatbelt. Kylian looks at her as she looks for her bag at the back. Kylian holds her chin and makes her look at him.

She narrows her eyes and he rubs her lips before biting his lip. He bites his lip and she brings her head closer.

He lends in as well and their lips touch. He pecks her lips before punckering his lips and he slides his tongue into her mouth. She holds his shoulder before rubbing his head.

”Get a room!”They break the kiss and he licks his lips. Khanya turns around and sees it's Neymar and the guy from the stadium.

“Fucking Neymar.”Kylian says and Khanya laughs. She unlocks the doors and they both exit. She locks the doors of the car, walks into the house with Kylian's hand behind her waist.

She sees people taking videos and photos. Neymar's house is a beautiful mansion and she would be lying if she says she is not blown away. They walk into the kitchen while the living room is filled with people who are sweating and drunk already since others came to the party already high or tipsy.

Kylian fixes Khanya a meal before seeing Bruna Biancardi and Neymar walk into the room. Bruna touches Khanya's shoulder and greets her with a smile.

“You are so beautiful, Bruna, Neymar's girlfriend.”She says with a Kool Aid smile and hugs Khanya.

“Khanya,you are very beautiful yourself.”Khanya says and they hug before backing away. She turns around to see Neymar looking at her and she smiles.

“Kylian,can we talk?”Neymar asks and she turns around to see Neymar not pleased about it but gives him a firm smile and a nod.

She sits on the barstool as the men leave and sees a plate of snacks left corner by Kylian. She starts to eat and Bruna gives her the famous mixture of cider and tequila in the red cup.

She drinks the alcohol while eating the finger snacks and Bruna sees someone calling her.”Let me go but I promise to be back right now.”She explains and Khanya nods her head.

She takes out her phone and immediately goes to IG to take photos and videos. She finishes eating and decides to refill her cup. She closes the door of the fridge after taking the tequila and sees Kylian walking past the kitchen.

She calls his name but he ignores her and she exhales heavily not knowing what to do so she decides to just refill her drink and then take a tour of the house.

She takes small sips while her bag is across her body as she walks upstairs and all the doors are closed so it must be the bedrooms while the doors that are opened are the gaming room,bathrooms and cinema.

She sees one door open and it's the bedroom as she walks into it and looks around. She sees the balcony door slightly opened and she narrows her eyes seeing Neymar looking over at the city lights.

She takes a deep breath and opens the sliding down which causes Neymar to turn around and look at her. “Khanya. Kylian is not here.”

“I was just looking around the house and I saw the door open.”She says with confidence and trying not to be shaken by how his staring makes her feel.”Paris is beautiful,mm?”

“Yeah.”He replies as she walks over to him and stands next to him while leaning on the balcony.”May I taste?”

“Sure.”She says and gives him the red cup and remembers to not drink much since she's also driving and Kylian will be drunk.

”What did you add in here?”Neymar asks while looking over at her as he scrunches his face up.

“Vodka,cider and tequila.”

“Are you trying to get drunk?”

“Yes but you can finish it.”She says and Neymar shakes his head with a chuckle. “Well,you look beautiful.”

“Thanks.”Khanya replies with a smile and she tucks her hair behind her ear. Neymar walks to her and makes her head tilt to the side and he pecks her lips covered in a Fenty lipgloss and Pedro's guy clicks the camera as the flash goes off.

Neymar grunts as Khanya holds his forearm and they puckered their lips.”And sexy.”He mumbles which causes Khanya to smirk against the kiss as Neymar holds her ass and squeezes it and Pedro's guy clicks the camera as the flash goes off.

Khanya wraps her arms around his neck and rubs his head.”Fuck.”She moans as Neymar slides down her neck and lives love bites on her chest.”The day I fuck you,I won't have mercy on you.”He whispers and she chuckles as she takes the red cup and finishes the drink.

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