Chapter 34 - Penitence

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A/N: Walks over to laptop while drinking coffee Hmmm...I wonder how the story is doing tod-

Sees the story is #1 in the mates, omegaverse, choices and packs tagged categories and spits out coffee



Sometime ago

Kayden frowned as he headed to the Alpha's office that morning, having been summoned. Ever since they'd returned from the function, he hadn't received much of an order from Alpha Aaron. The latest update he'd heard the day before was that Luna Kylie had been rejected and exiled from the Silver Arrow Pack.

Bradley, who had taken over most of the work while they were away, had also not been at his most approachable after the whole losing half of the pack thing. And to make things worse, the remainder that stayed had ignored or talked down to their Alpha and ex Luna after hearing of Kylie's stunt at the function.

Kayden didn't question Alpha Aaron's decision however. As much as he had tried to put up with her, Kylie was a terrible Luna, and it seemed that her outrageous attempt to pierce Luna Olwen with wolfsbane had finally been the last straw for her chosen mate. 

Believe it or not though, that was not the most pressing thing on Kayden's mind. He'd lost all hope of finding his family after they cut ties with the Silver Arrow Pack, only for his daughter to reappear mated to the Moon River Pack Beta, and Olwen to be their new Luna.

It stung to realise this, but Stela was a lot happier in her new environment, and with her mate than she had been during her last few months in the Silver Arrow Pack once her best friend had left. He deserved the treatment he received from her, especially after her demand that he leave their old pack. Why hadn't he said yes?

Perhaps he had hoped for more time to think over things. He'd been training to be the Beta of the Silver Arrow Pack for years before actually becoming the Beta and serving Alpha Bradley - his childhood friend - and then Bradley's son. Things had been bad enough as it was, and his reluctance to leave behind the pack he'd dedicated his life to only led to him pushing not only Stela, but Cael and Sylvie further away. It hadn't escaped him that he had smelled their scents around the pack as he watched over an unconscious Kylie, but never saw them in person aside from Stela.

His daughter had been right though. The Silver Arrow Pack had started falling apart before the function, and it was only worse now. The hope of maintaining or even saving what dignity was left was quickly slipping out of his grasp.

Kayden headed down the corridor and knocked the door of the Alpha's office.

"Come in." Came Aaron's voice.

Beta Kayden turned the doorknob and went in, seeing Alpha Aaron and Bradley already inside. Much to his confusion, two other pack members were also standing with them, warriors Paulie and Zeno.

"Alpha." He bowed his head to Aaron before his eyes flickered to Bradley and then the two warriors. "Why...why are Paulie and Zeno here?"

Aaron's eyes flickered towards his father for a heartbeat before settling back on Beta Kayden.

"...I received a message from Alpha Landon of the Moon River Pack late last night. He is requesting for a challenge."

Now this was news, not unexpected but news nonetheless.

"I see...have you responded?"

"After some deep discussions with my father, yes." Aaron replied, his tone and expression unreadable. "We came up with a solution that will allow us to overcome this obstacle."

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