Chapter 16 - Relationship

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"Then I congratulate you officially, as Sylvie, Stela and Cael Anderson of the Moon River Pack!"

Watching from the seats below this time, Olwen smiled brightly and applauded more enthusiastically than everyone around her for the newest additions to the Pack. It was something to see Stela and her family do what she'd done a few months ago.

As Alpha Landon tied the blue ribbons around each of their wrists, Stela lifted her dark brown eyes and met with Olwen's gaze.

Olwen, is this working?

Olwen couldn't help the way the smile widened on her face upon hearing her friend's voice in her head again as she tested out her newly formed mind-link with the rest of the pack.

It is! Welcome to the Moon River Pack officially, Stela!

Relief and happiness flooded Stela's expression, and even Alpha Landon, who had just finished tying the blue ribbon on the girl's wrist, followed her gaze and realised what she and Olwen were doing.

The smile he sent Olwen made her skin grow hot.

A lot had happened in the past week. Not only had Stela, Cael and Sylvie come and seek residence, but Stela and Elijah were fated mates. Olwen hadn't witnessed every date the couple had gone on, but she was glad that things seemed to be going well, despite Stela's reservations at the beginning. Even now, Beta Elijah was standing a little off to the side on the platform where Alpha Landon and Stela and her family were on, his hazel eyes all for her as he clapped.

Practically the whole pack could tell they were together. Beta Elijah had never allowed a she-wolf near him after knowing his mate wasn't from his pack originally, until the last few days since Stela's arrival. He'd held her in his arms, walked her to any place she asked, and growled at any man who dared to make a pass at the young woman.

Olwen had been so preoccupied prep talking Stela and catching up with Cael and Sylvie as well that the kiss she'd shared with Alpha Landon at the training centre had almost slipped her mind.

Key word: Almost.

Anyway, maybe it was due to the fact that there were more playing seeker, but the initiation of the three new wolves proved to be much more enjoyable.

Olwen gladly took part in the activity as one of the hiding wolves this time round, though Sylvie's wolf Soren found her halfway into the game. This also marked the first time Elijah and Stela's wolves met - and Starr made sure it was memorable by forgoing every single other wolf in the area and seeking out her mate first and foremost. Even after coming out of his hiding place, it took a while for Ellis to leave; Starr had triumphantly and affectionately licked his cheek before striding away to find her second target, leaving the chestnut brown wolf gazing at her black, almost glittery pelt in amazement.

Having waited outside the area once she'd been found, Olwen was surprised to see Cobalt and Janus trotting out of the trees together. Cael rarely talked to others and even more rarely shifted in public - but he seemed to have become rather close friends with Gamma Josh if their wolves were this comfortable together.

Given how Cael had been treated like an oddball in the Silver Arrow Pack compared to his sister, he seemed happier here. This would be a new beginning for him as well.


As Olwen walked with the Andersons back to their temporary home - their house was in the process of being set up for them to move into now that they were officially members of the Moon River Pack - Stela was talking on excitedly about how fun the initiation ceremony had surprisingly been, with Sylvie teasing her about Beta Elijah.

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