The Way I Loved You ( Move On Ending)

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The Beginning of the End

Hayley and Klaus had been inseparable ever since Klaus's little sister introduced them, and they became seatmates in high school. From that moment, their bond grew stronger, with an unspoken understanding and a connection that seemed unbreakable. They were each other's confidants, partners in mischief, and silent protectors.

As the first bell rang to mark the start of class, Hayley glanced at Klaus, who was grinning like an idiot. "Why are you grinning like that?" she asked, curiosity lacing her voice.

He flashed his charming, devilish smile and replied, "You have to wait and see, love."

Before Hayley could probe further, the classroom door burst open. A seething Mr. Marcus stormed in, covered in a questionable white powder. "WHO DID THIS?!" he roared.

The class stifled their laughter, wearing their best poker faces. Mr. Marcus's eyes scanned the room, finally landing on Klaus, whose smirk hadn't faded.

"Mr. Mikaelson," Mr. Marcus began, "do you have anything to do with this?"

"What do you mean, sir?" Klaus asked with a mocking tone, adding fuel to the already blazing anger of their teacher.

Before Mr. Marcus could lose his cool completely, Hayley interjected, "It wasn't Klaus. He was with me this morning, finishing our art project in the library." Though she was indeed in the library, Klaus was nowhere near her.

Klaus shot Hayley a grateful, yet mischievous, smile. She returned it with an annoyed glare, silently telling him he owed her an explanation later. Little did she know, the prank was orchestrated by Klaus and his brother Kol the previous Saturday.

As their senior year unfolded, a bittersweet love story began to blossom between them. Hayley found herself struggling to conceal her deepening feelings for Klaus, her partner in crime. Klaus, aware of his own emotions, attempted to dismiss his feelings for Hayley by feigning interest in Caroline.

Prom night arrived, and Klaus decided to bring Caroline as his date. However, upon his arrival, he saw Hayley with Tristan, his ex-girlfriend's brother, known for being an insufferable jerk. A surge of protectiveness and jealousy washed over Klaus, prompting him to lead Hayley away from Tristan, ignoring the smug expression on his face.

In the school garden near the prom hall, Klaus confronted Hayley, his hurt and anger evident. "WHY ARE YOU GOING WITH HIM TO THIS PROM?!" he demanded.

Hayley, annoyed and confused, retorted, "First, why yell at me? Second, I can ask anyone to go with me. And third, why do you even CARE?"

"Because you're my best friend, and he's not good for you, Hayley," Klaus admitted, his feelings bubbling to the surface. "Hell, even Elijah has a crush on you."

After a heated exchange, Hayley finally confessed, "I was jealous of Caroline being your prom partner, Klaus. I don't really care who my partner is; he just happened to be near me at that time."

"Why would you feel jealous of Caroline?" Klaus asked in confusion.

Hayley looked into Klaus's enchanting blue eyes and confessed, "Because I have feelings for you, Klaus. Not just protective feelings but the kind of feelings where I am in love with you, Klaus Mikaelson."

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