Hope & Fay Story - Innocent Crush

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A/N  Hello so like these few updates stories will not be Klayley centric but all of those story will imply that Klayley is together 😊😊 that all.

Enjoy reading

 In the heart of New Orleans, nestled a midst the charming streets and lively jazz clubs, there thrived a family whose name resonated through the city's history the Mikaelsons

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 In the heart of New Orleans, nestled a midst the charming streets and lively jazz clubs, there thrived a family whose name resonated through the city's history the Mikaelsons. Sundays held a special significance for them, a time when they came together around the dining table, weaving the threads of their lives into a tapestry of memories and laughter.

Hope, the youngest scion of the Mikaelson clan, awaited the arrival of her relatives with bated breath. At ten years old, her spirit was as bright as the sun that filtered through the curtains, her laughter as melodious as the jazz that echoed through the streets of the French Quarter.

This particular Sunday held a special allure. The savory aroma of Cajun cuisine wafted through the Mikaelson home, courtesy of Hayley and Klaus, the steadfast parents who orchestrated the weekly feast. Hope, their spirited daughter, bounced with anticipation, her eyes alight with the promise of familial warmth and connection.

Hope's uncle Kol, a charming rogue with a penchant for trouble, and his enchanting girlfriend, Davina, added the final touches to the table, their banter filling the room with energy and anticipation.

The doorbell's chime echoed through the house, signaling the beginning of their weekly ritual. One by one, the family members arrived, each bearing their own unique energy and presence. Finn, the stoic elder, entered with his serene wife Sage, while the sophisticated Elijah and his enchanting spouse Antoinette followed suit. Freya, the wise and powerful, arrived hand in hand with her partner Keelin, accompanied by the insightful Vincent. Finally, the vibrant Rebekah and her dashing companion Marcel completed the ensemble, igniting the room with their infectious laughter.

Seated around the table, the Mikaelsons reveled in the warmth of their shared bond. Plates clinked, glasses clattered, and laughter bubbled like a melody in the air. It was a symphony of familial love, harmonizing the diverse personalities that comprised their clan.

Hope, her cheeks flushed with excitement, could contain her secret no longer. With a burst of youthful exuberance, she exclaimed, "Guess what, everyone? I have a crush!"

The room fell into an astonished silence. Kol, Marcel, and Finn nearly choked on their food, while Elijah felt a swirl of dizziness, steadied by the concerned gaze of Antoinette. Freya, Keelin, Sage, and Vincent exchanged amused glances, while Rebekah and Davina struggled to stifle their giggles.

Hayley, Hope's mother, managed to stammer, "A crush? On whom, sweetheart?"

Hope's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she shared her innocent secret. "Fay, my best friend!" she exclaimed. "She's kind and gentle, and whenever she holds my hand, it feels like magic. When she calls me pretty, my heart dances with joy."

The room erupted in a chorus of "awws" and laughter. The Mikaelsons, despite their supernatural abilities, couldn't help but find Hope's innocent crush utterly endearing.

 Hayley, ever the nurturing mother, reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from Hope's forehead. "Sweetheart," she began, her voice gentle yet reassuring, "having a crush is a perfectly natural part of growing up. It's a journey filled with excitement, uncertainty, and a myriad of emotions."

In an unexpected turn of events, Klaus, Hope's father, fell out of his chair in shock, causing another round of laughter to ripple through the room. Recovering quickly, he asserted, "Well, if Fay ever becomes your girlfriend when you're older, we'll make sure she treats you right. If not, she'll have to answer to all of us."

Hope's laughter bubbled like a brook, her heart brimming with love and acceptance. In that moment, she understood the true essence of family—a tapestry woven with threads of laughter, understanding, and unconditional love.

As the evening unfolded, the Mikaelsons regaled each other with tales of their own youthful escapades, of crushes won and hearts lost. The room resonated with the symphony of their shared experiences, each note a testament to the unbreakable bonds that bound them together.

And so, as the stars painted the sky with their celestial hues, the Mikaelsons embraced the magic of their Sunday dinners, cherishing each moment as a precious gift. For in the warmth of their familial embrace, they found solace, laughter, and a love that transcended the bounds of time itself.

Meanwhile, in the quaint confines of Fay's home, a midst the gentle rustle of curtains and the soft glow of candlelight, she found herself besieged by a curious ailment a relentless bout of sneezing that defied all logic. Each sneeze erupted with the force of a small hurricane, leaving her bewildered and bemused.

Fay, with mischievous grin, couldn't help but entertain the most whimsical of theories. "Perhaps," she mused to herself between sneezes, "it's the witches at school getting back at me for that little prank in potions class!"

Imagining her classmates concocting potions of sneezing powder, she couldn't suppress a giggle. "Well played, my dear witches," she muttered to the empty room, before succumbing to another fit of sneezes.

Little did she know, her own story was just beginning, destined to intertwine with that of the Mikaelsons in ways she could never have imagined.

And so, as the city of New Orleans slumbered beneath the watchful gaze of the stars, the Mikaelsons and their beloved Fay found solace in the warmth of shared moments and the promise of tomorrows yet to unfold.

The End

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