Chapter Three

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"And then the new kid, Ana," She rambled on, "She said she used to have a bunny, but they died, and then I was like oh my god, did you have a funeral?" She recreated her gasp and Happy tried not to look put off when she added, "Because I freaking love funerals."

"Yelena," Natasha cooed, "Do you want to finish your burger?"

"Oh, yes!" She cheered, grabbing it in both hands and stuffing it in her face just as Natasha looked over at you doing the same.

"What?" You asked, but it was muffled, and then you followed Natasha's eyes as she looked back over at your guys' daughter, and you realized, "Oh, um," You chewed guiltily, "Bad habit."

"Did you get what I sent you for your birthday?" Happy asked her and then didn't wait for an answer before asking you and Natasha, "Did she get what I sent?"

"Yeah, but Happy-" Natasha started before you jumped in.

"How the f-" You cut yourself off when Yelena looked up at you with bright eyes from across the table, and instead said, "fudge are we supposed to assemble that thing?"

Yelena started giggling and Natasha practically face palmed while you just grimaced, seeing you made another mistake.

"I'll send some guys." He shrugged nonchalantly, looking back to the little blonde munchkin with adoration as she reached for her second burger.

It was a pretty quiet night in that had Happy staying over when it got too late to drive back. There was a guest room set up for this exact reason and its closet was pretty full of clothes people left over time and never bothered picking up. It came in handy though and Happy proudly wore Steve Rogers' old leather jacket back to the city the following morning. Not that he needed a jacket, but none of you were going to stop the man from feeling so good about himself as he strutted his stuff out to his car.

"So, I wanna go to Ana's house." Yelena announced the following Saturday morning when you went to get her up, but like Natasha, she's kind of an early bird, so she was already wide awake and apparently full of ideas.

Wonder what that's like.

"Yelena," You grumbled sleepily, helping her out of bed and into her robe and slippers because she always goes downstairs like this before breakfast when there's no school, "Your mama and I don't know Ana, so we'd have to like meet her parents or...something first."

"She has a papa." She told you proudly as you took her hand to walk down the stairs together.

"Good start," You nodded, lifting her onto the higher stool so you could face her and then you narrowed your eyes as you leaned on the counter across from her, "Now, for a more important question," You made a drum roll, but she just grabbed at your face and giggled, something she's been doing since she came into your life and it never failed to make you smile, "What're we having for breakfast, miss Lena?"

"French toast!" She called out like she was expecting some magical waiters to suddenly appear with it all ready.

But then she paused, holding your cheeks in her little paws, and smiled calmly as she searched your eyes for something. You couldn't help but to tilt your head ever so slightly as you spotted the small sparks of purple in hers and it made the breath catch in your throat. She made a little giggling noise and something about that brought you back to your days with your powers.

The purple you'd catch in your reflection or how good it felt to use them, even if it was a last resort.

But then you remembered Ivan and all the awful things that happened, under the Shadow's control or even after when everything else went down. Almost losing yourself, Natasha, your friends, and then finally, how he used you, manipulated you into thinking for even a moment that he had his hands on this child. Your baby.

"Lena?" You whispered when she wouldn't stop seeking out something in your eyes and then her smile grew like she found it.

"Yes, mommy?" She asked back sweetly in Russian.

"Do you..." You trailed off, not even sure what you wanted to ask or what answer you hoped to get, so you instead asked, "Want to go for a walk later with me and Sherlock?"

The name alone had the friendliest dog in the world tapping his feet over to sit nearby, his tail brushing along the floor as he wagged it and looking up at you expectantly.

"Yes!" She cheered, releasing you to make grab hands at Sherlock, and he immediately came over.

You smiled at the sight, spinning around to get the food started. You leaned against the sink, trying not to let everything rush back that you've spent countless nights trying to fend off.

Even after everything, these past few years haven't been all sunshine and bliss. Maybe that's expected after the hell you went through to keep what you have, but even with your nightmares and panic attacks, Natasha has been there for you. You weren't kidding when you told Wanda that she's almost too perfect. Sure, you're there for her too, but the way she's been through all your crap with you? Hearing that she felt Yelena was more your kid than hers, how she feels excluded from the mother-daughter bond, it broke your heart.

You owed Natasha everything, every single good thing in your life was because of her. Your happiness was derived from that amazing woman and you'd be damned if she went another day doubting her part in all this.

This weekend, she had a mission with them somewhere in Europe and that left you and Yelena home. Usually, you'd take the opportunity to just lounge around watching old movies and eating junk food, but lately, you've been rethinking that. And last night, when Natasha told you she thinks Yelena should be practicing her powers, it made your plans for the weekend all the more decided for you.

You and Yelena ate your breakfast, talking about her week and explaining why Sherlock couldn't be pregnant like she keeps insisting he is. It was an awkward conversation that somehow ended up involving a metaphor with Mario and Luigi, but it was one that had to be had.

After the long walk on the path in the woods with Sherlock, the two of you ventured back for some lunch and you looked your daughter right in the eyes when you asked,

"So, my little criminal," She instantly lit up at your mischievous tone, the nickname only making her more excited, "Whaddya say we do something a bit different today?"

The Spark That Never Dies Part: ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now