Chapter Sixxxteen

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You stayed there for longer than you needed to, hearing the muffled voices coming from outside.

You brushed everything off him and mustered your powers along with your own strength to lift him, one arm under his knees, the other supporting his back.

Trudging with knees that threatened to buckle towards the small opening and pushing through where the sun hit your eyes, making you shut them on impact. You took a deep breath, gulping in the fresh air until it had you coughing, and when you spotted someone, or rather, they spotted you, you let yourself fall forward onto your knees with Jack still in your arms.

They called for assistance, yelling they found you, and you stayed slumped over his broken body, the orange completely faded into dust, floating in the wind now, but clouding your senses in a way that you didn't bother registering in the moment.

People were soon rushing over to you, but you barely paid them any attention, ignoring their questions, and finally, finally, landing your exhausted eyes on the one you've been hoping to see.

She shoved them away, cleared her own path with no apologies and shot anyone daggers with her eyes if they dared to question or stop her until she reached you.

Then, and only then, when you met her soft green eyes, did you let her help you to your feet.

She didn't say anything, just walked you to the Quinjet where a few others were and helped strap you into a seat while Bruce came to your aid. You assumed she'd fly the thing, but Steve was there for that as she strapped herself in next to you.

Your head fell to her shoulder as he got to work and she held you close, finally feeling like she could breathe again.

With your body powering down, exhaustion and overuse being its downfall, the doctor had more work than usual if you came to him fully powered. You were tired, but you stayed awake because you knew that'd just make it worse and right now you had a bigger problem.

Once the jet landed safely on the tower's landing strip, it wasn't a long ride since the field you ended up in looking for Yelena was in Pennsylvania, Bruce offered you a gurney, but you pushed it away. Natasha helped you out along with Bucky, but when they got you inside, you broke away to use the bathroom.

After washing your hands, you peered up in the mirror and felt like you could break down right here and now. It wasn't that you were a complete mess, Bruce cleaned most of the soot, dirt, and blood off to get to your wounds, but you were wondering if the person staring back was even real.

Was this all another trick?

You don't even know how long you were down there for or if you even made it out. You wanted so desperately to hold Yelena in your arms, but what if she vanished the moment you touched her?

These and a million more thoughts and questions ran through your mind, paralyzing you in doubt and fear. You gripped the sink so hard your knuckles turned white but then they turned a pale purple before it cracked underneath you.

You jumped back when someone busted in, having heard the loud noise, and you stayed against the wall with wide eyes as they took the scene in.

"It's okay," The woman put her hands up to try to get you to calm down, "Accidents happen, and we'll get this fixed."

She nodded, allowing you to leave, but you didn't hear how her breath hitched in her throat or the look of pure horror when you walked by the sink and it put itself back together.

You left in such a rush; you didn't even know your powers had done that.

You were crying, but you didn't care, and Natasha caught you when you went to leave down the hall.

"Hey, hey," She cooed, grabbing you into a strong hug, and a sob wracked your body, "It's okay. You're home, you're safe."

You were crying against her and Bucky put a comforting hand on your back, a completely heartbroken look coming across his face. She offered him a sad smile and he nodded, but you kept crying.

Both of them froze when you whispered a faint,

"...Am I?"

Neither of them had a chance to answer, let alone process, before a booming voice from down the hall called,

"Tiny magician!" It was a cheery one, happy you were back, but then he took in the scene and he frowned deeply, "What has happened?" His eyes trained on Bucky who raised his eyebrows in response, "Did you hurt her?"

"What? No!"

"Here," He gestured to himself with his hands and Natasha let you go to give him a hug, but he had other ideas as he lifted you up bridle style and you immediately hung on his neck, "I will bring you to the little sunflower."

Ever since Thor had met Yelena, he's been calling her that because of her blonde hair and bright personality. He said whenever she smiles, it's like a sunflower facing the sun, and neither you nor Natasha were going to argue with the god.

Natasha and Bucky followed closely behind, but you shook your head against him, so he paused his movements.

"Don't." You whispered.

"But she always makes everything better!" He argued with a soft chuckle.

"Not like this."

He hesitantly nodded and brought you to your old room instead, but Natasha still followed, and Bucky eventually went a different way, as did Thor.

"I'm sorry," She mumbled mainly to herself as she helped you undress, "I can't imagine what you had to go through."

You nodded, unsure how to respond, and as you finished, she started the water, letting it warm up. After that, she started taking her own clothes off, but you stopped her with a hand over hers.

"Nat, um," You looked away with furrowed eyebrows, trying not to cry again, "This whole thing really fucked me up," You explained and she listened, just happy you were talking more than before, but still, her heart clenched at your words, knowing it was even worse than you let on, "Honestly, I don't know what's real or what's just," You motioned in circles next to your ear, "And I don't want any of this – especially you, to be all some trick again."

"Y/n, I promise you, it's not." She tried, but even before she finished, she knew that it wouldn't do much good.

"I love you, Nat, so fucking much," You laughed with tears in your eyes, threatening to spill, "But I need to make sure this is all mine before I can let myself relax again."

"Okay," She nodded understandingly, but then caught you off guard when she cupped your face, bringing you in for a sweet kiss, furrowing her eyebrows and trying to tell you everything she needed you to know, and when she broke away, she whispered against your lips as your foreheads touched, "And I'll always be yours, no matter how long it takes to get you back."

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