Chapter Eight

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Waking up tied to a pole might sound like a fun Friday night with the missus, and believe yourself, it fucking is, but in this case...not so much.

Eyes set on where Yelena was laying, awake now as they towered over her like a specimen, you let them adjust to the surroundings, but you felt no pain in your head like you expected from the impact it took to black you out.

"Hey!" You called over when they went to put a hand on her and when her bright brown eyes landed on you, they seemed hopeful, less scared, and that made your heart clenched, "Eyes on me, Lena, okay?" She had a shaking smile, trying to speak, but having trouble finding the words, "Eyes on me, love."

She nodded, shivering from the cold, and you know being down here for as long as she's been missing hasn't been easy on her, but she's strong as hell. She's Natasha's daughter and she's the smartest person you know, so you don't doubt that if any kid could make it out of this, it was her.

"Hey, asshole!" You shouted angrily, your voice dry and raspy, but it got the attention of the man with the scary looking tool who was a little too close to Yelena for your liking, so basically, on the same planet as her, "I'm awake now! Mine turn, right?"

"No," He shook his head, almost confused as to why you would think that, and waved the drill looking thing in his hand towards you, "You're...powerless."

"Sure know how to make a girl feel special." You smirked sarcastically, pulling against your restraints when he moved towards Yelena who had smiled at your joke, but now looked more frightened as her eyes left you to follow his movement, "Hey, buddy! Mind letting me loose so I can bash your head in?" You smiled over at Yelena with a wink when the guy huffed in frustration, clearly wanting it quiet while he worked, "Remember that movie, Lena?"

"With Denzel." She nodded happily at the memory, her eyes sparkling with the thought, and you chuckled, relieved the man was heading your way now instead.

"He's still your favorite?"

"Yes," She confirmed, coughing a little after, but you didn't let her see how that upset you, "I like his voice."

"Even when he yells?" You mused, trying to distract her as he dragged you over to another part of the room by your hurt arm and hair, but you couldn't get out of the straps around your wrists.

"Especially when he yells," She hummed and then her eyes were frantic as they watched him inject you with something in the arm, making you wince in pain, "Mommy, mommy! What's he do-"

"Molly Ringwald's still the queen though, right?" You cut her off, feeling a bit woozy, but doing your best to keep her calm.

"Eighties," She nodded almost immediately, struggling against her straps, and you looked down at your chest when you remembered something, "Mommy, he's hurting you!"

Her voice was lower, angrier, and when you peered back up you saw the glow in her eyes strengthening.

"Impossible." You heard him mutter next to you before he ran over to her side.

"Romanoff," You muttered sleepily, trying to fight whatever sedation he had given you, "Tap it twice, criminal, and say..." You trailed off before whispering, "Romanoff."

He was checking the monitors and then the whole room turned purple as she started yelling out. You squeezed your eyes shut, hating how her small voice pierced your ears with such strength, but the more she screamed, the stronger she seemed to become and then the light went out entirely. But you heard the distinct sound of metal snapping and you knew she was free.

"Romanoff." She said in Russian, tapping the pendent and then in seconds she was encased in an Iron Man suit made from nanotech that was black with red lining.

More men were sent into the room and a couple grabbed you, hauling you to your feet, but you couldn't help the dopey smile that came across your face when your daughter lifted a hand, letting the suit ready the shot.

They stood with their guns aimed, at the ready, but she's bullet proof now, communicating with FRIDAY and you had no doubt she'd make it out of this hell hole alive even if she had to blast through the roof. They started firing at her, one of them dragging you backwards, and she fought back, taking them down with ease. But her mind was set on saving you and she needed them dealt with before handling the man who had a gun pointed at your head now that he took you into the next room.

You hated that she had to be the one to kill those men, but with FRIDAY at the wheel, you knew she wasn't witnessing the destruction, just managing it because that's what the suit is programmed for.

You heard the screams, which were also kept from her with the suit's alterations, and the man holding you was getting nervous.

"You'll keep quiet," He told you, tightening his grip, and you winced in pain, the bullet wounds throbbing, "I'm getting out of here."
"You touched my daughter," You seethed, the taste of copper and dirt in your mouth, recognizing this man as the one in the video you saw, "You're going to die for that."
"The only one who's gonna die in this is you and then your kid," He snickered confidently and your breathing picked up at his words, "You're both worthless now."

"And you're a..." You cringed as you summoned all your strength, biting your tongue through the pain, making it bleed instantly, and whipped out of his hold after stomping on his foot, grabbing his gun and pointing it at his head now in one swift move, "Dickbag."

"You're joking, right?" He laughed, the sinister noise echoing through the room.

"Really, really not," You shrugged, wincing at the pain in your shoulder, "And you should learn to not let your guard down just because you think you have the upper hand."

"Who says I still don't?"

You narrowed your eyes, cocking the gun, and that's when Yelena busted through the door, aiming her blaster at the man. He pressed a button in the hand you couldn't see at first and you fell to the floor in pain as an electric shock wave pulsed through you.

"Stand down, little girl." He demanded, holding up the control, "I've got your mother and she'll die if you try to stop me."

"Yelena, remember what I told you about bad people?" You asked her through gritted teeth and she immediately stepped towards you, but he stopped her with an,

"Ah, ah, ah, not too close."

"What do they deserve?" You tried again and she stood straight, facing the man with the control, making him flinch under her gaze ever so slightly even though it was through the suit.

"A swift kick to the nuts." She mumbled to herself and FRIDAY programmed it to disarm him by blasting his hand with a single bullet while the other shot towards his groin.

"Shit!" He hissed, the control breaking to pieces on the floor, but its effects were still debilitating you as she walked over to him, towering over the seemingly much smaller man now.

She took a piece of his tattered shirt and stuffed it in his mouth, muffling his words.

"Oh, were you trying to speak?" She asked when she lifted the helmet of her suit to really look at him and when he went to try, she took the boot of her suit, lifting her leg, and then stomping down where he least wanted it, "Looks like I stepped on more than just your moment."

"Damn." You breathed out, still shaking a bit from the shocks, and then said, "FRIDAY shut her off," And the suit closed the helmet, spinning the girl around, before turning her audio off, "I told you you'd die for touching my girl," You smirked, picking up the gun in your shaking hands and he moved to attack you but you unloaded it into his chest before he could, letting his body drop forward, "And I wasn't lying."

The Spark That Never Dies Part: ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now