Chapter Nineteen

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"Six drink minimum, I don't want to be the only one having a good time."

"Believe me, Stark," Carol smirked, brushing by him, and walking backwards just to shrug, gesturing around, "You won't be."

"Me and Bri just broke up, so I want in," Sam agreed, and you gave him a slight cringe in remembrance, making him realize, "Yeah, what the hell, I needed you!"

"I think she was a little busy having her brain scrambled." Rhodes told him as everyone migrated to the bar to order the first round.

The six of you got seats all along the bar because it was still a bit early and the girl behind it got to work on your orders.

"What happened?" You asked Sam who was on your right and Carol pushed Steve off your left to sit next to you, "I know you really liked her."

"Ah, yeah, well," He shrugged, picking up his shot, "Hard to date when you work with these clowns, fighting the big three every time you turn around."

"Androids, aliens, and wizards." You nodded.

"Exactly," He threw the shot back with a cringe and you mirrored his actions, both of you pulling faces after, "Kinda hard to explain that to someone who's not in the life."

"Maybe find someone who is, big bird."

"Not all of us can marry someone like Romanoff," He scoffed, "Still don't know how you pulled that off."

You laughed, absentmindedly turning the ring on your finger, and shaking your head in agreement before Carol grabbed your hand.

"This?" She pulled it off in one quick move and you went to take it from her, but she held it out of your reach, "Weighin' you down tonight, L/n."

"No, it's not," You grumbled, getting it back when she lowered her arm slightly, and she put her hands up in surrender, "Only thing keeping me sane right now."

"You've changed." Sam mumbled next to you.

"Another round and make it pina coladas with like a shit ton of rum!" You called, "It's on..." You leaned against the bar and pointed to Tony, who wasn't paying attention, with one eye squinted shut, "Fancy pants there."

"You got it." She chuckled, mixing the drinks.

"So, maybe you haven't changed." Sam corrected with a laugh.

"She's cute," You shrugged towards Carol as someone approached Sam and he got busy, "Want me to see if she'd go out with you?"

"How do you know she's not straight?" Carol smirked and you shot it right back.

"Checked the jeans, they're cuffed," You listed off lowly as she started giving people their drinks, "Checked the phone she keeps on the bar, clear case," Carol scrunched her eyebrows as you continued, "And- thank you," You smiled when she served you your drink before picking up where you left off, "My fine glowing friend, she has a nose piercing."

You took a sip of the drink and even though it was strong, it was good as hell.

"I've never heard of a nose piercing being a sign someone is gay."

"Nah," You shook your head, "Just know you kinda dig those."

"She keeps smiling at the taller blonde."

"So, she likes blondes and recognizes the other captain," You brushed it off and before Carol could stop you, you were waving the bartender down, so she came over smiling brightly at you both, "Hey, what's your name?"


"Beautiful name," You smiled sweetly, and she nodded a thanks, "But have you met Captain Carol Danvers? Legend in the air force."

Carol would've shot you the hardest glare she could muster, but you're married to the queen of that, so it wouldn't have fazed you in the slightest, if she could've but the waitress was already eyeing her, and you smirked behind your glass.

"I have actually," She smiled at the blonde with a little quirk to her lips, "She comes in here most Fridays."

"I like the décor." Carol lied when you shot her a look, not having known that little factoid.

"Oh, I bet you like admiring the view." You mumbled teasingly, but Lisa didn't hear you.

"You get iced americano's number or are you maybe not interested in..." You trailed off, trying to be subtle, but thought to yourself, ah, screw it, before being blunt, "Men?"

Carol widened her eyes and Lisa laughed, pointing at you,

"You're trouble."

"It's quite literally my first name," You told her seriously, "But it's pronounced 'trow-ball', huge mix up in courts or wherever they call your name as an adult."

"What's wrong with you?" Carol chuckled, shaking her head, embarrassed.

"It's the rum."

"Honey, there's not enough rum in this bar to make someone act like that!" Lisa called as she went to serve someone their drink.

"Dude, dude," You swatted Carol's arm excitedly a few more times then necessary, "Dude! She's completely gay."

"That was you doing a bit of investigating?" Carol gaped at you, "Yeah, coulda fooled me."

"Let's dance!" A drunk Tony called from down the bar and little by little everyone reluctantly agreed and got up.

"You coming?" Sam asked when everyone, but you and Carol were at the bar.

"In a minute!" You told him, raising your half empty glass.

"Hey, I have a break now," Lisa was looking directly at Carol as she leaned on her elbows across the bar and you raised your eyebrows sipping your drink as you watched this go down, "Wanna dance?"

"Yeah, let's do it." Carol smiled and Lisa rounded the bar happily, making you smile.

You finished up your drink, about to call back to Steve who shouted for you to join them, something about if he has to make an ass out of himself than so do you, in so many words, when you spun around and faced a gorgeous redhead.

"Nat?" You blurted in surprise and her eyes raked over your figure sitting on the stool about to get up before her eyes met yours again with an unashamed smirk.

"Hey weirdo, wanna dance?"

"Dumbest fucking question," You mumbled to yourself, getting up quickly, and she took your hand, bringing you into the middle of the club, "I've ever heard."

"You look so freaking hot." She whispered in your ear when the two of you started dancing and she turned you around, so your back was against her chest.

"At least now it wasn't wasted." You smiled with a spark in your eye before her hands landed on your hips, moving to the music as it pumped in from above.

You turned again to face her, your arms hanging loosely around her neck as her hands stayed on your hips. You leaned in to kiss her and when you reached her neck, just placing light kisses at first, she pressed her hands harder into your waist as they moved up, so you kissed her harder, leaving behind a mark.

"I'm gonna get so much shit for that tomorrow."

She tried to sound irritated, but it came out breathless and had you smirking proudly when you pulled away, admiring the spot as you glided your thumb over it, biting your lip.

"Really not sorry." You shrugged innocently, but her eyes were darker as she set them on you, ideas swirling around in her head that undoubtedly involved revenge.

"You will be."

Robbed of the chance to ask for details, she took your hand and dragged you out of the loud club, into her car that she had parked outside.

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