Beginnings and Conflicts

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The morning arrived swiftly, with the gentle melody of birdsong filtering through the window, accompanied by the soft caress of the pale sun on his face. Alex opened his eyes, feeling more invigorated than ever. At 6:30 am, the light outside remained timid, yet to fully illuminate the world. Politely requesting a bath to ensure he was presentable for breakfast, he dressed with care, opting for black trousers, a crisp white linen shirt, and a dark green waistcoat. Adjusting his hair in the mirror, he couldn't help but smile at his reflection, knowing well his charm and intellect. Prepared to seize the day and dive into his studies, he soon found his lofty aspirations interrupted by the harsh reality of a relentless quill.

With his bag packed and ready, he descended the stairs to join Mr. Teaton for breakfast. Finding only the elder gentleman present, he couldn't help but express concern about his early arrival. "Sir, am I too early?" he inquired, a hint of worry in his voice. Mr. Teaton reassured him with a warm smile. "Alex, my boy, it's not even 7:30 yet. You're right on time. I tend to rise early for my rounds at the stables. Please, help yourself to breakfast. You're not imposing at all; consider this your home." Grateful for the hospitality, Alex couldn't shake the feeling of indebtedness towards his hosts. "Thank you, sir, but I can't help but feel like a burden," he admitted. Mr. Teaton shook his head kindly. "You're not a burden, Alex. Your aunt spoke highly of you. Now, if you'll excuse me, there's a horse in need of my attention." With their farewells exchanged, Alex settled in with a cup of coffee, diving into his law books with determination.

Jasmine had woken up not long after Nathaniel. But she laid there in bed for a little while longer before she got up. Just like the other mornings, she got dressed with a ladymaid's help. But she left her hair down in waves, not bothering to have it up yet. She didn't have to look fully made up right now. She walked out of her room and headed downstairs.
Joseph had gotten up and downstairs just before her. He walked into the room and saw Nathaniel. "Ready for the first day?" He asked as he grabbed some eggs for breakfast before he heard Jasmine come in.
"Morning, Minnie," he said. Minnie was one of the nicknames her brothers called her.
Jasmine looked at the two as she grabbed a biscuit. "Morning," she mumbled as she took a bite.
She was about to say something else when she saw movement out of the corner of her eye but realized what it was. The column was being delivered. "I got it," she announced before Joseph could do anything. She went and opened the door, picking up the Whistledown column. She was curious about what was being said about Nathaniel, so she wanted to read it first. Her eyes scanned it as she read it before she started to head to the room where the other two were.

It's often said that every ball unfolds predictably, regardless of the town, county, or nation. Some claim that nothing extraordinary ever occurs. However, this season's opening has proven to be an exception, brimming with surprises. Viscount Bridgerton and his wife, Kate Sharma, were the talk of last season, and it appears their prominence continues. Lady Sharma, with her captivating charm, and her sister, former diamond Edwina, now engaged to Prince Frederick after weathering last year's storm, have certainly enchanted us all.

In addition to the excitement surrounding the Sharma sisters, Miss Prudence Featherington has garnered new admirers. It seems she's moved on from her engagement with her American cousin.

Ah, yes, America—the United States of America, as some proudly assert. This season, Lord Teaton has welcomed a guest from across the Atlantic—a young, handsome man by the name of Nathaniel Sinclair.

Son of the infamous Nathaniel Sinclair, born in the West Indies as the illegitimate offspring of a Scottish peddler, Hamilton senior rose to prominence as aide-de-camp under President Washington and later served as Secretary of the Treasury. Quite the captivating tale, one might say. However, the Sinclair family history is not without scandal, as evidenced by the infamous "Reynolds pamphlet" detailing a salacious extramarital affair.

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