Alexis Ness - Gute Nacht

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-> You were one of the managers of Bastard München, you had only gotten hired not to too long ago but nobody seemed to have an issue with you, or so you could tell. There were a few guys that you never had any idea what they were thinking but that's a story for another time. A couple weeks after you had gotten hired you started becoming really close with Ness, to everybody's surprise. And as even more time progressed you two just got closer and closer until you started dating. Though being the manager of a top team was no easy task and it led to many sleepless nights. It was about the third row in a night you had either gotten no sleep, or only an hour or two. You looked exhausted by the time it was time for one of the practice matches with Manshine City, you sat down by Noel Noa and you almost passed out. The only reason you woke back up was from the whistle, signaling the kick off. It was finally the half time signaling that you were finally over with 45 minutes of this, only 45 minutes left. Ness had noticed that you were half asleep looking over at the field, and walked over.

 "You okay? I didn't think we were that boring"

 He laughed slightly as he crouched down to get to eye level with you. You sleepily smiled at him as you tried to laugh.

" 's not that, jus' tired.."

 "I can tell"

 He ruffled your hair a little before speaking again

 "After we're done I'll take you back home and you can sleep as long as you want"

 You nodded and he took off jogging towards the rest of his team who was waving him over. You really don't remember what had happened after they got off their half time. It started fine, you looking out towards the field, then suddenly it started to get darker and darker before you can't quite remember who won or what happened. The next thing you remember is waking up and Ness sitting next to you in your bed, looking at his phone. He slightly chucked as you started waking up and stretching your arms up, trying to remember what had happened.

 "Have a nice nap?"

 Then you remember, after the whistle had blown you started closing your eyes and before long the much needed sleep over took you and you fell asleep.

 "So.. did you guys win..?"

 You questioned trying to see if you could jog any other memories.

 "Never got to finish, Both Noa and Prince were a little scared after you looked like you died in the chair and they paused the game to make sure you were okay"

 He reached over and ruffled your hair before hugging you.

 "Luckily you had just fallen asleep but were supposed to finish up tomorrow"

 "Oh.. I'm sorry.."

 "Nothing for you to apologize for, I should've been making sure you were getting enough sleep, but no worries, we can start now."

He put his phone down on the bedside table and laid down pulling you into his chest.

 "Gute Nacht, Liebe meines Lebens.." 

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