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"When I was a boy, my mother, Avatar Korra, told me the stories of how and her friends heroically saved the world in countless times

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"When I was a boy, my mother, Avatar Korra, told me the stories of how and her friends heroically saved the world in countless times.

In 171 AG, the harmonic convergence occured, where the physical world and the spiritual world were linked through three portals with so much energy, the Air Nation was reborn restoring balance.

But in 189 AG, Avatar Korra died early. I miss her so much!

A new climate has consolidated in the world with the over the years: new ideologies, new revolutions, new technologies and innovatons, new learders, new diplomacy, new ideals.

Depsite the efforts White Lotus and Air Nation, no sign of the Avatar, no rumors, no news, nothing.

The years go by and the same question remains: Who is and where is the new Avatar?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 05 ⏰

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