Chapter Nine

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Finding inspiration at times when you're at your lowest can be like finding light at the end of the tunnel. Something to reach for, hope for, and strive for. But sometimes, as you get closer, the light can fade off and become more darkness. That doesn't make it a waste of time or a mistake to have gone for the light. Because the journey itself is what can be most important. In another world, someone loved, cherished, and looked up to said, 'Part of the journey is the end.' So maybe when that light becomes dark, it's the end, but that's okay. It's okay because you did your best, lived life with few or no regrets, and you did it all on your terms.

None of this is comforting in the moment or maybe ever to those you leave behind.

SHIELD came within the hour of the explosion and started sifting through everything like vultures. They collected what they could find of the Shadow's work without digging too deeply, books he collected, computers that weren't damaged after uncovering them, and they were on the lookout for the body of a woman to be in her mid to late twenties.

To the world, you were a missing citizen, but to the Avengers, you were a missing piece of their hearts.

The explosion was plastered all over the news, even in America, being deemed a possible terrorist attack on the Soviet Union, and when Peter Parker caught wind of it, he swung over to the tower from Queens. He stood in the lobby and went numb as he watched the news coverage above the front desk dressed in his Spiderman suit.

As soon as JARVIS just barely reported the update to Tony from the now beyond repair suit that laid twenty feet away as you fought off Ivan, trying to destroy the orb, it spread like wildfire among those who cared about you.

It took less than two hours to reach Asgard and then it found its way to Carol Danvers on a remote planet.

When Fury told Natasha back at the tower, she grasped his arms, yelling out in anger, and fell to the floor with her back against the wall.

Fury had to leave her soon after because he was needed, and hoping it was good news, she let him go. To anyone's shock, except maybe in this case, Loki was at her side in minutes, scooping her up, and carrying her to the living room while a few others like Sam, Clint, and Bucky followed closely behind.

She sat in the corner of the room, knees to her chest, staring off into space, shock taking over her body, as the other Avengers slowly started joining in the living room.

At the sight was Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor, amongst countless of agents. Maria Hill was overseeing the search and at one point Tony asked JARVIS to put his calls on hold, only letting Natasha check in if she wanted, because he was getting bombarded with questions to which he had no answers for.

"We find her." Steve told them when they first got there, looking out onto the pile of rubble that was now over two hundred or so feet deep.

"Alive." Tony added, to which Thor nodded and said,

"As long as we're all in agreement."

Wanda was soon brought in to help, being able to lift the pieces up with more ease than any machine that SHIELD could provide, but she had to do it somewhat slowly because one wrong move could make everything so much worse. She didn't tell them, but she could sense you, and she only didn't say anything because she knew how these types of explosions that involve this kind of power can be manipulative to her own.

They spent hours going through everything and came up with nothing.

It went unsaid, but everyone's mind went to the possibility of you having imploded, causing this mess. Whenever this thought crossed their minds, they quickly shook it away.

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