Chapter Sixxxteen

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"Hey, you bought me pizza, I don't consider this a wasted day."

So, you went the next day and met Doreen at the park, but because you're an honest, loving wife, you told Natasha the truth. Except, there were no criminals who met there, none that she recognized anyway, and she wouldn't stop apologizing about making you come all the way out here. The two of you got pizza afterwards, she insisted on paying, and you've been talking for well over two hours about her life, yours, the Avengers, and just everything. She was actually a really good kid that you were happy to have stepped out of your way for.

"Were you going to come out of retirement for me?" She laughed lightly, sitting down across from you at an outdoor table.

"Yeah." You nodded, touching your middle subtly under the table.

"And your family?" She raised her eyebrows, "They're okay with that?"

"No," You shook your head, tears brimming your eyes, "Uh, Nat, my wife, she's always worried about me and now that I'm..." You trailed off, looking down at your stomach.

"I shouldn't have asked you to come." She whispered, talking more to herself than you.

"I'm glad you did," You admitted and she looked up to meet your eye, "Because I want you to know that I wanna help you, but I really gotta give this all up," You chuckled to yourself, feeling like you've repeated this a thousand times, "But if you ever need me..." You trailed off again, sliding over a bracelet, "Just tap it a few times and say my name, it'll call me, and I'll appear on a little holographic screen. I can't teleport anymore, but it'll help me find you faster."

"Whoa," She widened her eyes, "That's so cool, thanks!"

You were going to say something when a blonde woman with thick black glasses brushed by your table. She looked so familiar, almost like you knew her, and you watched as she turned around and winked at you.

"I uh," You cleared your throat, keeping your eyes on the woman, "I have to go, but check in any time. Let me know what you're up to."

You were gone before you could catch her reply, following the woman as closely as possible without making it obvious. She knew you, it was obvious, but you couldn't place her for the life of you. She was wearing black overall shots with a red cropped tee shirt underneath. She started skipping and that caught you off guard, especially since she was in red knee-high heeled boots. She was jumping around, sticking her tongue out with wild eyes whenever she'd catch yours, and you picked up the pace to reach her. She turned a sharp corner and when you took it too, she was already there facing you, waiting.

"Kaley, but my friends call me KC," She stuck hand out with a wide smile, "Nice to meetcha!"

"We've met before, right?" You asked, refusing to take her hand, and she retracted it, smile never faltering.

"I can't believe you recognize me, Killgrave!" She shouted with a small, excited hop.

"Killgrave?" You scrunched your eyebrows, "That's not my name."
"Oh, but it is around the watercooler, my friend," She chuckled, and you felt uneasy by how diabolical it sounded, "I knew you lived in New York, but I never thought I'd be seein' ya."

"I think you've got me mixed up with someone," You turned to leave, but she grabbed your arm, forcing you back, "I don't even live here."

"I already know who you are, honey," She rolled her eyes, "And I want to work with you," She eyed your stomach with curiosity as you turned back to face her, "But are you even takin' jobs with the lil guy on the way?" She smacked her gum, "No offense."


"Sure," She nodded, her New York accent, or was it Jersey? You haven't heard one this thick in a while, coming through strongly, "You're quite the legend for gettin'' people to talk and such."

The Spark That Never Dies Part: TwoWhere stories live. Discover now