Chapter Twelve

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"No, five more minutes." You groaned, shielding your eyes from the light.

"If you didn't stay up all night with her, making up weird names for constellations," She laughed, shaking her head, "Then we'd have five more minutes."

"Weird names?" You scoffed, "There was a time when you would've found that charming, sexy even."

Your eyes were still closed, and you were both whispering as Yelena was cuddled into your side, sound asleep. You only woke up because you felt her rustling around and unzipping the tent, letting even more light in than the top did.

"You're lucky I'm in too deep," She smiled, leaning down to kiss you, and you finally opened your eyes afterwards, "Or else I might just leave you."

You put a hand to your chest, faking a look of hurt while she chuckled, getting out of the tent. She left the door open, started stretching, and you snuck small glances, feeling a bit ashamed since your daughter was literally right there.

"Yelena," You whispered when Natasha walked inside the house, "Yelena, you gotta wake up, sweetie."

"No." She sighed, readjusting to only curl into you further.

"Don't you wanna see uncle Bruce? Or like any of the ones that feel like hanging around the tower?"

"They come to me." She mumbled and you laughed.

"Mama's going in for work and I thought we could drive in with her, but if you wanna wait..."

"No, I'll go with mama," She insisted and then put her arms out lazily, "But you carry."

"Okay, little miss," You smiled, picking her up and ducking out of the tent, "Let's get you ready."

~Small Time Skip~

"A poptart? For breakfast?" Natasha scolded you in the car.

"She's also got a smoking habit."

"Not funny," She snapped, and you raised your hands in surrender before she sighed, "I'm sorry, I'm just on edge."

"It's okay," You smiled, "We're on time and Steve said the mission was routine, right?"


"Then what's to worry about?" You thought out loud, but when her face still showed how stressed she was, you added, "We'll be around all day, okay? If you need a break or anything, just text me and we'll come."

"Thank you." She sighed in relief, starting to relax.

"Peter promised me Legos." Yelena stated from the backseat and you turned to look at her as Natasha drove.

"Yeah and how-" You cut yourself off when you spotted what was in her hand, "Lena, where did you get a cell phone?"

"Uncle Tony."

"Who gives a four-year-old a phone?" Nat grumbled.

"You're texting Peter?" You had to stifle a laugh, "How do you even know how to do that?"

"I've been teaching her how to spell and read," Natasha chimed in, "And I showed her how to text or call in case of an emergency on my phone."

"Those lessons are a little advanced, no?" You teased.

"If it was up to you, you'd both watch John Hughes movies, eating junk all day."

You opened your mouth to object but shut it when you realized she was right.

~Small Time Skip~

"So much for hanging out with me today!" You called over with a smile as Peter took Yelena to the living room where Ned was already waiting with his Lego set.

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