Chapter Fourteen

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It's been two months now since you fought Ivan Lewshiv, aka the Shadow, in his bunker and there were many whispers throughout Russia about you. Many believed you to be dead, the explosion finishing you off, but others talked of your own immortality. These whispers and stories, many exaggerated, reached America and specifically, the Avengers. They were quick to squash any rumors about you being alive and you appreciated that greatly. There were no plans for you to return to work and this seemed to be the best decision for everybody involved. It kept the looming threat of Hydra at bay, a manageable distance, and it kept you and your family safe.

This was even more important now that you had a baby on the way, Bruce estimating you were about four months, maybe a bit more, and you were starting to show. Everyone was so supportive of you and Pepper even sent over Morgan's baby clothes since she was constantly growing out of them.

Yelena had an eighties themed birthday party for her fourth almost two months ago now and a lot of them slept over in the living room. She dressed up as the criminal in Breakfast Club and when Pepper dressed baby Morgan up as the princess, she couldn't be happier. She received tons of gifts from everybody, ate way too much cake, and fell down laughing more than a few times that day.

She's definitely your daughter.

You've had only a few mild nightmares in the last couple of months which surprised you because after everything that happened, you assumed they would be back tenfold. Natasha was back at work full time like before Yelena came into your lives and the fall season was arriving quickly.

Currently, you were in the middle of the spare room, the future baby room, deciding what color to paint it and organizing the clothes Pepper sent over. You and Nat, mostly Nat while you supervised, already built a crib and some other essential like a diaper changing table. Everything so far was white since you refused to pick a color and every morning when you stressed about that, you'd find yourself with early onset morning sickness.

Natasha was always there for you, offering to go in late for work or not at all, holding your hair, getting whatever you needed, and just laying with you when that's all you felt like doing. Even Yelena was understanding which sometimes made you feel guilty.

"Mommy?" Her small voice echoed in the almost empty room and you smiled up at her.

"Hey," You held your arms out and she came to hug you, sitting on your lap, "So, that was a short nap."

"Too busy." She shrugged and you quirked an eyebrow.

"Yeah?" You twirled her hair in your finger, "What're you busy with?"

"Thinking." She said, not looking at you.

"What about?"

"Can babies have lucky charms?" She asked in a voice laced with worry.

"Not until they're a little older, why do-"

"That's what I thought." She huffed, defeated, and got up, rushing out.

"Lena!" You called, but she didn't come back, so you stood up and went after her, "Yelena! Wait!"

Your voice wasn't angry, but you were a little confused and suddenly wished Natasha was home to help you with this. Only because you weren't entirely sure what was going on.

When you found her in the kitchen, she was rifling through the junky cereals under the island.

"Can they eat Twizzlers?" She asked when she poked her head above the counter, looking at you with a serious face.

"Afraid not," You strolled around and saw she had a garbage bag, "What're you-" She took out the candy from behind the cereals that you didn't even know she knew about and shoved it into the bag, "Yelena, that's not garbage."

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