Chapter Nineteen

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"What can you tell me?"

"Not much has changed," He sighed, "But she's healthier and her body took the blood transfusions."

"And what am I supposed to tell Yelena?" She demanded.

"Nat, I'm s-"

"No, I'm sorry, Bruce," She shook her head, "I shouldn't have snapped at you."

"It's understandable."

"I just want her back," Her voice cracked, "I hate this so damn much."

He came over to hug her comfortingly and she sank into his arms, tired, defeated, and feeling helpless.

"Do you know why you're here?"

"Where's Yelena? What did you do to them?" You asked back, clenching your jaw when the metal dug into your middle with every move you made.

You were hanging from the ceiling, cuffed to a copper bar, and your toes barely grazed the floor. The cement room was completely dark aside from the lamp that sat atop of his desk. He was seated in the chair behind it, facing you, with reading glasses on, taking notes. His legs were casually crossed, and he talked to you in a soothing tone, almost like you imagine a therapist would. You fought against the restraints, but taking a breath was proven difficult when your middle was caged in. It was some type of device you had never seen before, but it was worn like a belt and the thick metal spikes that pierced your skin were a constant reminder that there was no escape.

"The mind is a difficult thing to master," He continued, tapping his pen on the notepad, and ignoring you, "But once inside," He chuckled, obviously proud of himself, "It's nearly-"

"What do you want!" You shouted, blood pouring from your side as the spike stabbed you deeply.

"DON'T INTERRUPT ME!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, his voice echoing in the empty room, slammed his pen on the table before shoving it out of his way and advancing on you faster than a cheetah, getting close enough that you could feel his breath on your face, "This will only take a moment, okay?"

You clamped your mouth shut, not being expected to answer the question.

"Good," He smiled, and a shiver ran down your spine as you watched him with fear, "Where was I? Oh, yes! The mind..."

"We've been working on something."

"Is it dangerous?"

"We haven't been able to test it," He told her honestly, "But ever since we couldn't get her out of unconsciousness last time, Tony insisted we develop a way to essentially...force her out."

"What if this is her body's way of healing?" She asked, unsure.

"The longer she stays under, the more destress and pain she is in mentally," He explained, "I wouldn't do something like this if I wasn't afraid of what would happen otherwise."

"So, if you don't try this, she could get worse?"

"Nat, she's under such emotional distress, I'm worried if we don't do this soon, she won't make it another week."

"Okay, Bruce," She nodded, "I trust you."

"I killed you."

"It's true," He shrugged, strolling around you, "I will never physically walk your earth again, but I'll never really leave it either."

"And Yelena? Me?" You asked, keeping your stare locked on him as he came back into view, "Are you...?"

"Search within," He smirked darkly, "All I ever wanted was for you to realize your true potential, but you're holding back. You're holding onto your prejudices, your fears, your denial. It's making you weak."

The Spark That Never Dies Part: TwoWhere stories live. Discover now