Character log( please read so u understand)

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Cassandra McEnery Inclair
*blonde hair
*black eyes
*princess and only heir of Xandria
*no powers
*calls beast 'puppy'
*can't feel the soulmate bond due to being human

*no he doesn't have a full name, only beast
*monster who looks human
*complete simp for Cassi ( Cassandra )
*his soulmate is Cassi
*Comes from the hollow
* he's a big boi ( 6'10 )( 250lbs, lean)
*violent (not in front of Cassi if he can help it ) due to him being a monster 👹
*Most powerful in the Empire
*killed the strongest monsters in the hollow but was wounded. The new king Lucius had been a count and made a deal. If he healed the Beast, the beast would help him slaughter his way up to the throne and take over most of the world. So he did, making Lucius terrified of him in the process. The Beast had spared the Magical kingdom of Elliea because it was a peaceful kingdom that had magical beings and humans unified.
*Black hair
*Chestnut skin
*green eyes
*slightly pointed teeth
* his power is basically like the grim reaper, like life and death.( it'll make more sense in the future if u read it )

New King Lucius
*second most powerful due to working with Beast
*a snarky asshat
*sandy blonde
*sickly pale skin( likely due because of constant terror he's faced with)

Yes, in this world soul mates exist, but only for monsters

The Hollow or the 'Dark Woods'
A random forest that produces some of the strongest monsters. It is where Beast came from. In this forest it's the fittest survive and the weakest are eaten. The ruler was beast before he left to literally conquer the world. It has been quiet for some time due to the Beast's rule, the monsters afraid to upset him by causing problems.

A kingdom of unified magical beings and humans. A peaceful country that the Beast didn't see as a threat. Was spared by the Beast. filled with forests and meadows by the cliffs and coast. Is 1/2 the size of the new Kingdom. All creatures are welcome as long as they are peaceful.

Magical beings VS. Monsters
+).Magical beings have intellect and complete control over themselves.
-). Monsters are mostly controlled by primal instincts and feelings. Only the strangest have intellectual and can control themselves.
+). Elves, fae, faeries, dwarves, mermaids, naga, sirens, nymphs, goblins, cyclops, giants, centaurs, werewolves, vampires, unicorns, gnomes, etc.
-). Anything created by the Hollow, all are bloody thirsty and violent and unusually overpowered. They are usually scary. The most common are giant centipedes.( they are most populous and are the dumbest of all ).

The New Kingdom
A giant kingdom made up of a whole bunch of kingdoms that Beast had conquered. It's called the 'New Kingdom' because stupid New King Lucius couldn't decide on a name.

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