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I shriek. My hands immediately go to cover me.

He covers his eyes with his massive hand. His skin turns red as he blushes profusely.

" Im sorry! Im sorry, here," he stammers. He takes of his cloak and hands it to me.

It's surprisingly soft. It's winter grade, enough to keep me warm, if not hot. I put it on over my cold, naked body, finding solace in the warmth it provides. It contrasts greatly against the rags I had worn before. It is an extremely expensive fabric with wolf fur on the outside. It's heavy. Obviously meant for a person larger than I.

" I'm sorry, that was very rude of me. I'll be as clear as possible in my intentions as to not frighten you again." He looks ashamed of himself. Like a kicked puppy.

I look at him warily before answering, " It's ok. The rags were painful anyway. " If I complain I'll ruin his mood and he won't treat me so nicely. Maybe in time I'll be able to seduce him enough to get him to buy me delicacies and jewelry.

He moves his hand off of his face, letting me fully study his features. He is quiet for a moment, looking at his thighs before saying, " We are going into the city to get some shopping done before we travel back to my territory."

I nod. The ride to the city is short and awkward. I had thought that he would be going into a pheasant shop to look at common people clothes for me to wear, so imagine my surprise when we hop out in front of the most extravagant dress shop I had ever seen. The dresses were beautiful. And in the latest fashion.

My former dresses had been luxurious, but old fashioned due to my mother's seamstress being passed on to me. Mother always wanted me to wear dresses modest in how much skin I show. The only dresses that were 'modest' enough in her opinion were the ones whose style's were so outdated not even my grandmother wore them in her portraits.

Jewels shown on the dresses like dew on grass in the morning. All the dresses were lavishly dyed and lowly cut.

Rich foreign passerby's leered at me, to my shock and horror. When had I become so hated? It was probably because these weren't my people and I just looked like some rich snob princess who whored herself away to a monster so she wouldn't lose her jewels and dresses.

Which I did. I have no regrets. The beastly man ( who seems more like a puppy as I get to know him ), has treated me very well so far. Not once has he raised his hand to me to harm me. Maybe ripping off my scant clothing was a little shocking, but he had pure intentions.

Puppy seems to catch these glares, returning them with the ferocity of a thousand suns. He pulls me closer, muttering another apology for not bringing me better cloths earlier and for the burning gazes of all the foreign nobles. He takes a moment to fix the cloak to cover more of me before picking me up. His massive arms envelope me, once again. He shields my body from view with his own form.

Pushing open the door with his foot, he steps into the light pink shop, a light fragrance coating the air. It's well like and it looks like a rectangle connected to two squares opposite of each other. Beautiful dresses are on every wall except the room to the left and right. In the left room jewelry with massive jewels of all colors hang inside glass cases. To the right is a room full of shoes. The front desk is at the very end of the rectangle room. He walks a few long strides inside the building.

The few couples inside the shop stop what they are doing and turn deathly pale. Puppy looks around, deadly calm before sneering.

" Get out."

All the shopping people hurriedly put their items down and rush out. The only people left in the shop are us and the person at the front desk, who is shaking violently and looks like he could pass out at any moment.

Once he deemed that the area was safe and that there was no more people to throw rude glares at me, he sets me down on my feet. Once I throw him a curious look, he explains.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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