The start of the beginning

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I didnt care when my kingdom was conquered. I never really liked anybody here anyway. Now that they're all dead it's kind of nice. No one bothers me anymore. No one calls me any titles.

     Though I admit, I miss my pretty dresses and my jewels. It's not like I'm going to die anyway. The Gods like me too much. I like me too much. Everyone does in fact. Well... they like how I look. If they really knew what I am like they would likely spit on me.

     They like how small I am and how fragile, the aftermath of being locked away your whole life and only having  high quality though bite-sized food. I had 2 meals a day, each more fitting for a teacup plate than a gold platter.

     My thoughts were interrupted when a someone, likely a guard of the New kingdom, burst in. Not even knocking.

" It's rude to not knock"  I say lazily, not bothering to turn around and quit my stare out my window.

     I could feel the glare burning into the back of my head. " The New King Lucius the Great is summoning you to the throne room."

     They call him 'great' but he wasn't fighting on the battle field. The beast was while he was sitting on some cushioned sofa, eating overly expensive delicacies and getting fat while his soldiers starved and fought for him.

" Ah. I best get ready for his royal highness." I snipe, sarcasm dripping off every word. I was currently in little more than a potato sack. It was very uncomfortable, the tough fabric grating against my pampered skin. They hadn't even let me keep my under garments. How preposterous!

     With a huff the guard approaches and grabs my arm harshly, dragging me through the maze of halls that had once been my home. The halls opened up to a room the size of a mansion. He pushed me inside and let go. Where he had grabbed me would definitely bruise later. It's was an intimidating yet beautiful room. Or it had once been. Paintings of my ancestors had once lined the walls.

    It had gone from several generations back all the wave to my parents portrait, then my portrait alone. All the paintings had been shredded, all except one. My portrait.

     A huge man stood next to the New King, drawing my attention to how small the king looked in comparison.The king looked...sickly at best. He looked terrified of the man next to him, he had angled his body so he was farthest away from the Beastly man as he could be without leaving the throne.

     The New King wasn't so new at all. He was rather on in his years, he had grainy pale skin, wide blue eyes and thinning, graying, dirty blonde hair. He was dressed in attire much like my father's.

     Hah! Wannabe. I thought to my self, knowing this man would never compare to the thriving empire my parents had raised me in.

     I switched my attention to the Beastly man who stood stiffly and stared at me with wide eyes and parted lips. Now he was a looker. A fur cape trailing behind him, his armor a shining silver, though it had no doubt been stained my blood of his foes many times. He has clear, chestnut skin and thick curly black hair and thick eyebrows. Not so thick that it takes up half his forehead, they were perfectly shaped and solid.

     But it was his eyes that caught my attention. They softened the second he realized I was staring back. They were like emeralds. Emeralds that were staring at me like I was an angel who had descended from the sky just to talk to him.

His eyes crinkled and he gave me a shy smile and slow wave. As if he moved to fast he would frighten me off. Not like I could get very far. Dimples. He had the cutest dimples. For the first time, I felt like I was lifting off my feet. Like I was floating and the only tether I could get was him. That I needed to grab onto him so I wouldn't float away.

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