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"Y/n, get up." My mother ordered after I hit the ground with a thud. I let out a small groan as I slowly made it back on my feet. "If you're going to fall on your face and struggle to get back up, consider yourself lucky if those folks in the exam allow you into UA." She stated.

"I'm sorry, mama..." I mumbled, wiping the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand. I already knew that ten whole months of nonstop training and strict schedules were probably going to be the death of me by the time the UA Exams came around. Even after the exams and if I get into UA that festival would be coming up along with it too.

"Y/n, listen to me and listen to me good," My mom urged. "I know that I am your mother and you don't want to accidentally hurt me. But promise me—you won't hurt me." She jabbed her finger into my chest gently. Her tone was sincere, but also stern with seriousness. "You'll make a wonderful student at UA. I mean, you naturally knew that damn sludge monster's name without knowing it at the start! Isn't that great?" She encouraged.

"I guess...? I won't have to talk to people."

"Y/n. Don't get too full of yourself. The world doesn't work around what you don't want to do. It works by itself. That's what you need. You need to start working by yourself because when it's time to fight at that sports festival you won't have anybody to fight with you. It'll only be you and your opponent—the crowd doesn't matter."

I have come to acknowledge that my mother was right all along. It seems that my unique ability now allows me to effortlessly recall a person's name without having to actively search for it. However, I must also acknowledge that I cannot isolate myself or use this newfound talent to my advantage. I need to understand that simply knowing someone's name does not automatically give me an upper hand in any situation. This realization has taught me to approach my gift with caution and responsibility. "I understand," I uttered. I got into a fighting stance, prepared to fight hand-to-hand with my mother. She smirked at me before charging towards me.

My mother has been looking over the internet for any information on the exams and made sure to fill them in with me. She informed me that there will be robots included in the exams and they are the so-called "Points" Participants are to use their quirks to immobilize these machines to gain points. The higher, the better. As if that wasn't enough to make my heart jump out of my chest my mom added that there would be a written portion of the exam. Not only do the points matter but your intelligence finalizes your chances of getting into UA to start your path of becoming a Pro Hero. Over months me and my mom had been training me into a newer version of myself. My mom didn't want to only focus on training me physically but also emotionally. So she got me into Taekwondo to develop some sort of mental discipline for me. By practicing martial arts I can master my mind and emotions. Anxiety, lack of confidence, and most importantly self-doubt were all enemy factors that made my life and mental state much more difficult than it was. Taekwondo gave me more assertiveness, stability of emotions, confidence, increased self-esteem, and so much more. She also acknowledged the fact that I couldn't learn hand-to-hand combat with just simple moves that she or my dad taught me. She recognized that if I wanted to be good at hand-to-hand combat then I would need something that surpasses my parents teaching.

Not only that, my diet was a strict one. She put me on a lot of protein-rich food to help me build and repair my muscles. My diet consisted of fruits, protein, Carbohydrates, and whole grains. I could only eat certain foods but that didn't bother me. Besides, my mom's food is the best so why complain? She also got me into drinking more water and keeping a refillable water bottle with me. Don't worry though, there were still times when I could slack off my diet for a little bit so I wasn't strictly restricted from eating things that I wanted to snack on.

My dad and I got to take a run to the gym sometimes too! It was hard work and tiring, that isn't deniable. But in the end, I knew the results wouldn't disappoint. My mom also went out of her way to buy me some equipment that I could use at home such as hand grips, Dumbbells, Jump ropes, and a yoga mat. My dad got me into taking morning, afternoon, and sometimes evening runs around the city as a replacement for Track. All these were resources that carried me through all these months, but most importantly I wouldn't be able to do them without my parent's assistance in willing to help me.

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