Chapter XXIX

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"You know, Nora, I never said thank you," Kai murmured, his hands delicately tracing the curve of my waist, sending a shiver down my spine.

Leaning in close, I brushed my lips against his earlobe, my breath mingling with his as I whispered, "And what would that be for, Kai?" My voice was a soft murmur, teasing and enticing, as I met his gaze with playful curiosity.

"Why don't you take a guess," he replied, his tone low and husky, his breath hitching slightly as my words danced across his skin.

A playful pout graced my lips as I responded, "For not killing you?" I teased, my voice carrying a hint of mischief as I locked eyes with him.

"Oh, yes, I was wondering what this was," he chuckled softly, his amusement evident in his tone. Before I could react, his hand trailed down my thigh, his touch electric as he gripped my dagger and the fabric of my dress.

"I carry it everywhere I go," I whispered, holding his gaze as I analyzed his every move, deciphering the nuances of his demeanor with an innate understanding. With each passing moment, I felt as though I could unravel the layers of his enigmatic personality, peeling back the facade to reveal the truth beneath.

Kai stood tall with a commanding presence, exuding an effortless magnetism that drew all eyes to him. His chiseled jawline framed by tousled black hair hinted at a hint of rebelliousness, while his piercing blue eyes sparkled with mischief and intelligence. Years of training had sculpted his strong, athletic build, infusing every movement with grace and power. His smile, charming and enigmatic, illuminated the room with its warmth, captivating all who beheld it.

"Now, is this the same dagger that was used to kill my brother?" Kai's words cut through the air like a knife, sending a chill down my spine as I fought to maintain my composure.

"Excuse me?" I replied, concealing the unease in my voice as his grip on me tightened.

"Nora, I am aware of many things; that's what happens when the crown is about to be passed down to you," Kai continued, his tone sharp and unforgiving. "Luke was merely a brother to me, not even coming from the same mother or blood my father is a floozy."

An undercurrent of anger and frustration surged within me at his callous words. "Is your father aware of his one less son?" I questioned defiantly, refusing to show any sign of weakness. I play with the nap of his neck in a form of my own distraction.

"Not in the slightest. I do not think it is important to tell him as of now. I would like to keep you around for a little bit," Kai's words sent a chill down my spine, his grip tightening as the music came to a halt.

Slowly, he guided me off the ballroom floor, leading me to the edge of the party. "If you are aware of so much, then you must be aware of my situation at hand, and that right there will indicate that I am not some type of pet for you to keep," I retorted firmly, my voice tinged with resolve.

He leaned in close, his breath warm against my ear as he whispered, "I'm fully aware of Xaden's claim on you, but frankly, Nora, I don't care." His words sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a sense of tension and unease between us.

As Kai disappeared into the crowd, leaving me to navigate the swirling sea of guests, I couldn't help but roll my eyes. It seemed that the universe had conspired against me, ensuring that I would never have a moment of peace. But before I could bemoan my fate, As if materializing from thin air, Gerard appeared beside me, accompanied by a woman who exuded an undeniable air of regal elegance. It didn't take a genius to realize that she was Gerard's wife and queen, her presence commanding attention and respect. I couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between her and Kai, a fact that sent a chill down my spine and sparked unsettling thoughts about the dynamics within their family.

"Ah, Nora, I was wondering when my son was going to leave your side. This is my wife, Lydia," Gerard announced, his voice carrying a note of pride as he introduced the woman beside him.

Lydia's beauty was breathtaking, her jet-black hair cascading down her shoulders in a shimmering cascade, framing features that mirrored Kai's with bright blue eyes that held a captivating allure. There was an undeniable magnetism to her presence, a regal grace that spoke of her status as both queen and matriarch of their kingdom.

I offered a polite nod in greeting, the implications of Lydia's arrival not lost on me as I exchanged a fleeting glance with Xaden, whose expression betrayed a hint of concern and apprehension. The revelation of Lydia's resemblance to Kai raised more questions than answers, igniting a silent curiosity that simmered beneath the surface of our polite exchange.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lydia," I said, offering a small smile that didn't quite reach my eyes as I acknowledged Gerard's wife. Yet, even as I extended the customary courtesies

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Nora," Lydia spoke, her voice carrying a melodic tone that resonated with a quiet authority. "Gerard has mentioned you on several occasions, and I can see why my son has taken a liking to you, you  look just like your mother."

Her words caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but glance at Kai, who stood nearby, his gaze lingering on me with a mixture of amusement and interest. It seemed that my interactions with Kai had not gone unnoticed by his parents, and Lydia's astute observation only served to deepen the sense of unease that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness.

"Thank you, Lydia," I replied, offering a polite smile despite the subtle undercurrent of tension that permeated the air. "Kai has been... pleasant company. I wasn't aware you knew my mother."

Lydia's smile widened at my response, and there was a knowing glimmer in her eyes as she exchanged a brief glance with Gerard. It was as though they shared a silent understanding, a tacit acknowledgment of the complexities that lingered beneath the surface of our interactions.

"Kai has always had a way of making his presence known," Lydia remarked, her tone tinged with a hint of amusement. "He inherited his father's charm, after all and as for your mother I am native to Navarre I was your mothers bunk mate in Basgiath war college I was heart broken finding out she passed while in Labor."

"So where is your dragon" I fear the comment might have came off to harsh but the new finding information took my emotions for a turn.

"She passed in one of the wars. I refused to move on and I had freshly started being involved with Gerard. I needed a new place to stay and that was when I was introduced to this wonderful kingdom". 

I was so beyond confused at the information that I had learned I had to excused myself from the conversation with Gerard and Lydia, I made a beeline for the nearest exit, eager to escape the weight of their expectations and the suffocating air of the ballroom. Pushing through the crowd, I spotted Xaden engaged in conversation with a group of young women, his expression polite yet detached as they vied for his attention.

"Xaden," I called out, weaving my way through the throng until I reached his side. The women glanced at me with curiosity, but I paid them little heed, my focus squarely on the task at hand. "I need to speak with you."

Xaden's eyes met mine, a flicker of concern passing through his gaze before he nodded in silent understanding. With a murmured apology to the women, he followed me as I led him away from the crowd and towards the relative privacy of the restroom.

Once inside, I wasted no time in locking the door behind us, ensuring that we wouldn't be interrupted. Turning to face Xaden, I met his gaze head-on, the urgency of our situation weighing heavily upon me.

"We need to talk," I began, my voice low and urgent.

****** Hi readers I hope you are all doing well. How is everyone feeling about this new plot. Please feel free to let me know if there is anything you want to see or happen. I would love to hear some other thoughts and prospectives and get some insight to make the story better. I love you all thank you for reading  <3

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