Chapter XIX

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I've realized that strength does not mean everything. Just because you hold strength, it still means that you'll be defeated. My father was the strongest person I knew. He led an army rebellion against the kingdom, and he still died. Xaden was the second strongest person I've met. He trained and molded me into a warrior even when we were both children, he had the power to teach. He held the scars and lashes, consequences and mistakes of his father and mine. Yet he is still broken.

A passage from cadet Nora Freysson - Translated by a unknown Scribe

As my eyes stare up at the shadow with the sharp metal piercing my skin I feel the blood slowly run down my neck. I can hear the breaking of skin in my ears.

I don't know what takes hold of me but in a swift motion I feel a surge my hands are burning and the metal dagger slowly melts and warps. In a moment of surprise I grab the person's arms and bring my knee up to hit them in the stomach.

They fall back.

The commotion must have awoken Violet because she yells.

In a matter of seconds I see two other people standing by the door.

My knife is in my hands and I throw it the same time Violet threw hers and it hits both of them right in the chest. At that action the person that had the knife to my throat flees.

As I caught my breath the lights turned on and in runs in Xaden, Garrick, Bodhi and Liam with swords out ready to fight.

I make direct eye contact with Xaden and suddenly I feel exposed.

My thin nightgown feels tight and my skin prickles due to the cool air exposed to my skin.

"Your a little late" I cough

"What happened" Xaden yells

I just point to the two dead body's that lay on the ground in a pool of blood.

"Christ Nora" Liam goes to make his way towards me but is blocked by not only Bodhi but Xaden.

Violet speaks up "I woke up and there was a dagger to Nora's throat"

"Well no shit" Garrick says as he points to my neck. I reach up to feel it and as I pull my hand away blood coats my hand.

"OUT" Xaden yells and that is the que the 3 Boys needed as they took the dead body's and left the room.

"They were after the Dragon" Violet speaks up.

" Who did it" Xaden speaks in a harsh tone as he makes his way over to me.

"I don't know" Is all I can say as I glance away from his gaze. He looks to Violet for an answer but she just shakes her head in response.

He sighs as he makes his way over to me. As I'm positioned on the bed he hovers over me as I look up. He brings his hand to my throat and wraps it softly around my neck and slowly drags his thumb over my wound.

The action gets interrupted by violet as she makes a sound indicating she is still there.

"We will find them, give me a day and they will be dead" he made a promise to both of us. He wipes my blood on his tight black shirt.

I just realized the attire he is wearing. Sparring clothes. It hits me that the boys must have been training before being interrupted.

As I zone out I didn't realize he was making his way to the door.

"Wait we could of died and your just gonna leave"

"The boys are going to take shifts outside of your door"

"Can you please just stay" I let out in almost a beg.

What shocks me is that he looks at Violet for approval like there is a level of respect he will not cross.

She nods her head in agreement.

"Let's get you clean up" he says as he points to my neck

I agree and we both head to the door.

As we walk out there is Liam standing guard and again I realize just how exposed I am in my little nightgown. Xaden realizes this but doesn't make a move to protect me from Liam's eyes raking over my body.

"I am going to stay with the girls. Stay here until I get back and then you are free to leave"

"Are you sure even Violet?" Liam makes the comment that seems to be a hidden dig.

Xaden shifts " I will protect both girls cadet you are free to leave when I get back"

Liam just nods and Xaden puts a hand on the small of my back and guides me to the washroom.

Once in there I jump up on the counter as Xaden wets a rag and begins to clean the wound.

He chuckles and begins to speak "This reminds me when I would have to clean you up after fighting when you were younger"

I just roll my eyes "I was a wild child"

" You still are Nora and you continue to be a pain in my ass"
I laugh as he looks at me with such an intimate stare.

The moment is cut off by my yawn

"Come on let's get you to bed" He says as he helps me off the counter.

We made it back to my room and Xaden relieves Liam from his position. Violet is sleeping as I walk into the room and slide under the covers. Xaden follows suit behind me and takes his shoes off but makes no move to take off his shirt.

"You never sleep with a shirt on" I question

"I don't want her to see them" At that moment I know he's talking about the scars.

"It's okay she won't even notice" I say in a quiet tone to give him reassurance.

He sighs and slips his shirt off. As he moves to lay on his stomach I reach for his back and kiss his biggest scar.

" You know that one's yours" He says as I retract quickly in question.

"I have 108 scars. The last lashing I got was because I didn't let them touch you". He speaks in a whisper.

"Oh Xaden '' I say in a whisper and the only thing I can do is hug him and let him hold me.

As we drift to sleep I whisper a small "Thank you"

" Of course my Nora " Is the last thing I hear as I drift to sleep. Not even questioning how he knew I was in danger. 

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