15 - Performance Jitters

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Lashanie marched through the imposing gates of Corona, a new resolve hardening her features. Today, she wouldn't hide. Today, she would face her feelings – about Varian, about her future, and about the gnawing uncertainty that had kept her awake all night.

The familiar hustle and bustle of the town square greeted her – merchants hawking their wares, children chasing each other in joyous abandon, the clatter of hammers echoing from blacksmith shops.  Just another day in Corona, or so it seemed.  But for Lashanie, everything felt different, charged with a newfound electricity.

As she navigated the bustling streets, a flash of blonde hair caught her eye.  Rapunzel, ever the whirlwind, came barreling towards her, Eugene trailing behind with a slightly exasperated smile.

"Lashanie!" Rapunzel exclaimed, her voice filled with her usual infectious enthusiasm.  "Guess what? Talent show sign-ups are this morning, and I totally signed you up!"

Lashanie's stomach lurched.  "Wait, what?  Rapunzel, you can't just..."  Her protest died in her throat as Rapunzel's excited smile widened further.

"Nonsense!  We haven't heard you sing since... well, since forever!  The whole town misses it.  Besides, it'll be a blast! You, me, Eugene, a little musical magic – what could go wrong?"

Eugene, ever the voice of reason, interjected.  "Actually, a lot of things could go wrong, Blondie.  Lashanie hasn't sung in front of a crowd for..."

He trailed off, noticing the panic flickering in Lashanie's eyes.  She hadn't even realized she was clutching her bag strap so tightly her knuckles had turned white.

"Don't worry, Lashanie," Rapunzel reassured her, oblivious to the rising tide of anxiety.  "It'll be fun!  Come on, we have to head to the sign-up booth before it closes!"

Lashanie wanted to protest, to scream that she wasn't ready, that the thought of singing in front of the entire town filled her with a crippling dread.  But before she could voice her concerns, Rapunzel had already swept her away in a torrent of excitement, Eugene following with a resigned sigh.

Lashanie felt like a puppet yanked across the stage, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm against her ribs.  The carefree joy she'd felt earlier evaporated, replaced by a suffocating wave of panic.

The sign-up booth came and went in a blur.  Before she knew it, Rapunzel was dragging her towards the docks, humming a cheerful tune.  Lashanie felt like she was drowning, her breath coming in shallow gasps.

Unable to bear the commotion any longer, she mumbled an excuse and practically ran towards the quiet solitude of the docks.  Her legs gave way, and she sank down onto a weathered barrel, wrapping her arms around her knees as she tried to fight back the rising tide of panic.

Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision.  The image of a packed town hall, the expectant faces staring down at her, the sound of her voice cracking under pressure – it all felt too overwhelming, too much to bear.

Just as the panic attack began to escalate, a comforting voice broke through the haze of fear.  "Lashanie?"

She looked up to see Varian standing in front of her, his brow furrowed with concern.  In that moment, he was a beacon of light in the storm raging within her.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice gentle, his hand hovering hesitantly above her shoulder.

Lashanie's voice hitched.  She opened her mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come.  Tears spilled down her cheeks, a silent plea for understanding.

Without a word, Varian knelt down in front of her.  He didn't try to force her to talk, just sat there in a comfortable silence, his presence a source of grounding strength.

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