18 - Nap Time

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The late afternoon sun cast a warm glow on the cobblestone streets of Old Corona as Lashanie and Varian strolled side-by-side. Their workshop frenzy had settled, replaced by a comfortable silence that spoke volumes about their easy camaraderie.

Varian, his pockets jingling with the tools they had purchased for their competition project, nudged Lashanie playfully with his elbow. "So," he began, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "think that grumpy old shopkeeper will regret calling us 'unorthodox alchemists' after we win the competition?"

Lashanie chuckled, the sound echoing off the weathered buildings lining the street. "Maybe," she conceded. "But honestly, Varian, who cares what he thinks? We know our methods work."

Varian grinned. "Exactly. Unorthodox or not, we get results. And that's what matters most, right?"

They continued walking, the rhythmic click of their boots against the cobblestones the only sound for a moment. Lashanie glanced at Varian, his profile softened by the golden light. A warmth bloomed in her chest, a feeling that went beyond their shared passion for alchemy.

"This is all so surreal," she finally said, breaking the silence. "The Royal Academy... competing against the best young alchemists in the kingdom. It seems like just yesterday we were blowing up beakers in your workshop."

Varian chuckled, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "Those were... interesting times," he admitted. "But hey, at least they were never boring."

Lashanie couldn't help but smile. Their mishaps, their late-night experiments fueled by questionable concoctions, had forged a bond far stronger than any textbook could teach. They had a shared history, a language of laughter and singed eyebrows that transcended words.

"We've come a long way since then," Lashanie said, her voice filled with a quiet pride. "We've learned from our... explosions."

Varian laughed, throwing his head back. "Speak for yourself," he teased. "I, for one, have a fondness for a good explosion... as long as it doesn't set the workshop on fire... again."

Lashanie playfully swatted at his arm, the warmth in her chest intensifying. They were comfortable together, their banter flowing effortlessly. But a silent question lingered in the air, a question neither of them dared to voice just yet.

Their walk led them past a bustling marketplace, the air thick with the aroma of fresh bread and exotic spices. Lashanie stopped, her gaze drawn to a stall overflowing with colorful flowers.

"Beautiful, aren't they?" she murmured.

Varian followed her gaze, a gentle smile gracing his lips. "They are," he agreed. "Like little bursts of sunshine."

Lashanie plucked a single, vibrantly colored flower from the stall, its delicate petals soft against her fingertips. She turned to Varian, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Here," she said, extending the flower towards him. "A token of appreciation for not blowing anything up... today."

Varian chuckled, accepting the flower with a hint of mock formality. "Why thank you, kind alchemist," he said, bowing his head slightly. "I shall cherish it always."

They continued their walk, the flower tucked behind Varian's ear, a silent symbol of their easy camaraderie. The unspoken question still hung heavy in the air, but for now, they were content in this comfortable space, two friends embarking on an extraordinary adventure, a melody of friendship and shared passion playing out against the backdrop of a magical kingdom. The love song might have to wait, but for now, the harmony they created together was music enough.

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