Chapter Three A Start To Building Trust

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(Roxanne TV)

"Good evening, Metro City!" The Nosy Reporter began her news speech with a warm greeting, Metro City Hall at her back. "This evening is a special evening concerning an interesting morning." Ms Ritchi continued. "Just in this morning around ten-thirty, a very rare occurrence has happened that hasn't happened since the descent of Metro Man and Megamind to earth."

Pictures popped up on the screen — all of them were of Raven. "A woman dressed in strange clothing similar to Metro City's Villain, was seen falling to the observatory by many of the city's citizens. Many of you are asking and wondering, who is this woman? Another question, where did she come from? My question is: will Metro Man get to her before Megamind? — or has our villain already sunk his claws into her? The answers will answer the questions in time."

Megamind's POV

Clicking the tv off, I could only frown. Roxanne Ritchi The Nosy Reporter was already honing in on the mystery around my prisoner. "If Raven keeps wearing her strange attire, more attention will be drawn her way, which will lead t me and the cops will soon be aware of the situation, and Metro Man will be called." The mental thought process domino led to one mental scenario to another. "I can't have that." Then a thought occurred to me.

Grabbing a certain amount of coin, I thought of my prisoner as I hopped into town just as the owner of the designated shop I sought out was getting ready to close up for the night. "Here." I told her, plopping the coin in her hand. "For the outfit I'm taking for a delicate situation." I hopped in the shop and grabbed the desired outfit, ignoring the woman's confused look. "Delicate situation." I reminded her.

Raven's POV

Morning came too swiftly! My internal alarm clock went off and I groaned from my sore body while sitting up. For a minute, I had hoped the events of me being captured by Smurph Boy — Minion carrying out his Boss' command, I found out, had all been a nightmare.
That was the furthest from the truth as I stepped out into the dimly lit evil lair after dressing. I spotted Minion at a computer not too far away and forced myself to give my kidnapper a kind greeting. "Morning, Minion!"

"Ahhh!" The fish gave an ear-splitting shriek.

"For being "Master's" sidekick, you startle very easily, judging from the ear-splitting shriek you gave my ears!" I hissed, massaging my ear drums with the pads of my fingers.

Minion arched a brow bone. " I don't startle just caught me by surprise." The fish informed me with a frown.

"Tomato-potato, Minion. That's payback for spraying me in the face on "Master's" orders to kidnap me."

"Fair enough." The odd fish studied me. "Do you need something?"

"I'm glad you asked. I'm looking for "Master." Drawling the last word for the third time. "Do you know where he is? I wanted to ask him what he wants me to start with."

"Boss hopped into town late last night. I haven't seen him since he got back early this morning with bags. Said he has something for you."

"For me?" I ask, confused. "What could he possibly have for me?" My question was answered when Smurph Boy came bounding up to me with a garment of some sort in his hands, sing-songing my name. "Raven!"

Forcing a smile, I turned to the alien. "Yes, "Master?" I asked mockingly.

Minion clicked his tongue in warning. I ignored, eyeing the Blue Man who had commanded the fish to kidnap me. I remembered agreeing to being a servant, not making the situation easy.

"I have something for you." Blue Boy stated.

Megamind's POV

"You don't say." My prisoner replied smartly. I was too eager to give her the garment, I ignored the remark.

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