derry mysteries.

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As eddie and I sat down with the other losers a feeling of uneasiness hit my body. I didn't know what was wrong, or why I was all of a sudden so nervous but I was.

As the rest of the group sat talking I got lost in my own head. This dark feeling suddenly taking over my body. Why the fuck do I feel so strange?

"Y/n." Stan said snapping me out of thought.

"sorry what?" I asked trying to push the feeling aside.

"We're thinking about going to bens to look at all his weird derry mystery shit, what do you think?"

I looked around trying to read the room. I saw Eddie shaking his head no.

"It doesn't matter whatever you guys wanna do." and with that everyone stood up walking to there bikes.

As me and Eddie walked I grabbed his arm stopping him for a minute.

"You okay eds you look nervous?"

"yeah it's just I don't wanna know more about this creepy shit, I'm already worried about all the missing kids and this isn't helping." He said nervously taking a puff of his inhaler.

"yeah I'm scared too but I'll be with you the whole time." I said giving him a reasuring smile.

"Promise?" He asked

"I promise, we're in this together okay?" I said a small smile appearing on my face.

I let go of his arm and grabbed his hand instead interlocking our fingers together. It was silent for a moment before Eddie spoke again.

"I know you didn't bring your bike so do you wanna ride with me?"

"yes please." I said smiling at how sweet this boy could be.

As we got on eddies bike I tightly wrapped my arms around his waist almost scared that if I'd let go he'd be gone.

I made it a point not to get close to people for this very reason, it seemed that everyone I got close to always seemed to leave but, for eddie I couldn't help letting my guard down.

As we rode off I laid my head against his back letting myself breath in the fresh air i so desperately needed.

As we made it to bens house I felt the bike come to a slow stop. I quickly got off trying to wipe the embarrassment off my face. Did I really just lay my head on him like that?

"Sorry I don't know what I was doing." I replied quickly trying to walk away.

I felt him grab my wrist making me turn around.

"don't be sorry, I don't mind." He said shyly making me smile.

I grabbed his hand turning to look at the house.

"You ready?" I questioned taking a deep breath.

"Ready as I'm gonna be." And with that we followed the rest of the losers into the house.

As we made it to bens room Eddie's hand was still held firmly in mine. We began to look around.

"cool right?" Ben asked looking around the room.

"no nothing cool." Richie said. I playful slapped his arm at the rude comment.

"Wait this is cool, no no it's not." Eddie said picking up a newspaper. I smirked noticing he wasn't as scared anymore.

"Hey what time is it?" I asked noticing I hadn't checked. My dad said I had to be home by 3:00 today to babysit my cousin. I hated watching that little shit but if it meant not getting chewed out by my dad, I would take it.

Eddie looked down at his watch.


"Shit shit shit I have to go I was supposed to be home by 3 my dads gonna kill me." I said scrambling to get my stuff.

Tears started welling up in my eyes at the thought of what'd he do if I wasn't home. I didn't say anything else I just grabbed my stuff and ran out the door.

There's no way I'm getting home in time. It took 20 minutes to walk from my house from here. While I ran home all I could think about was how dead I was when I got there.

Little did I know there was a lot worse to come.

Cigarette (eddie kaspbrak x reader)Where stories live. Discover now