The pharmacy

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y/n's pov:
As I woke up the next morning I felt horrible. I hadn't had a cigarette since the night before and I was out.

I managed to get myself out of bed before going to the bathroom and getting ready for the day.

My head was pounding from the lack of nicotine running through my body.

I knew it was bad and I needed to quit but I couldn't. Cigarettes were the only thing that helped me get away from all my problems.

After I finished getting ready I grabbed my shoes and raced out the door to the pharmacy.

Beverly had called the night before to tell me to meet her there at 2:00. It was currently 1:45 and if I didn't hurry I was gonna be late.

I was itching for a smoke. As I got closer to the store I could see the red haired girl waiting by the door.

"Sorry I'm late I slept to long." I said hoping she'd understand.

"It's okay I wasn't out here long." She said with a kind smile.

I returned the smile and with that we walked into the pharmacy.

This place always smells like hand sanitizer and in some way it's kinda comforting.

While walking down the aisles I was drowned in my own thoughts. I was thinking about the boy from yesterday. Every since we bumped into each other the boy was stuck in my head.

While I was thinking I felt bev make a sudden stop. I looked up to see what she was looking at that's when I noticed the same boy from yesterday.

"Oh hey eddie." I said trying to break the awkward silence.

"What's all that for."

"None of your business." A messy haired boy said without making eye contact.

"There's a boy out there looks like someone killed him." Eddie said trying not to drop the armload of stuff he had.

"We need this stuff to help him b-but we don't have enough m-money." The taller one said looking desperate.

Bev looked over at me like she had an idea and I knew what she was planning.

"No, no way I'm not doing it." I said crossing my arms.

"Come on y/n please they need help."

I contemplated it for a moment before sighing. I walked over the mr Keene the town creep and also the pharmacist to try to distract him while bev snuck them outside.

"I like your glasses mr Keene."

"Would you mind if I tried them?" I said fluttering my eye lashes at him.

"Sure." He said flashing me a disgusting smile that made me want to gag.

I reached for the glasses before knocking over a display sitting on the counter.


As he reached down to pick everything up I gave Bev a look and they ran out of the pharmacy but not before bumping into a display.

"Amateurs." i mumbled smiling.

I grabbed 2 packs of cigarettes and slipped them into my pocket and before he could pick everything up I walked out of the store.

Bev and the boys waited for me outside of the store. The taller boy tried to hand me the money that did have but I didn't need it.

I threw bev her cigarettes before saying "we're even."

My eyes never left eddie. I flashed him a smile as we walked away.

We ended up in the alley outside of the pharmacy sitting there was a boy who really did look like
Someone killed him and the famous Richie Tozior.

I knew him from the comments he liked to make as I walked down the halls at school. It didn't matter if it was "hey good lookin." Or just flashing me a wink it always made me laugh.

Bev talked to bill for a while while I just watched as Eddie tried to put Ben back together.

I wasn't really listening to the conversation happening around me. I was looking at Eddie. He was so concentrated it was cute.

After a while I heard bev say she was about to leave and with that I started to walk out too.

"Hey we're going t-to the q-quarry tomorrow if you wanna c-come." With this all the boys looked over.

Bev and I looked at each other before saying we might come and walking away. Before I left I made sure to wave at Eddie and he shyly waved back.

I'd never admit this but I was excited to go to the quarry. Well really I was excited to see eddie again. For the first time in a long time I didn't have a cigarette on my mind.

Cigarette (eddie kaspbrak x reader)Where stories live. Discover now