11 - 𝘈 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺

112 8 85

I love my birthday.
And not because I was born, but because it's the only day when I can just forget about everything negative, and focus on the people I love.

After that incident I had with Minho, he still acted like nothing happened. To be honest, that makes me feel more guilty, because I know he took my words close to his heart.

I need to tell him that I don't hate him. At least not anymore.

"Twenty one huh? Now you can drink legally!" Thomas stormed into my bedroom without a warning. "Still short though."
"Oh fuck off!" I threw my pillow at him, but missed it.

"Your brother, also known as my boyfriend, is waiting downstairs With others. He has cake and all prepared for you so get up and come down!" He threw the pillow back at me before he stormed out.


Scars on my wrists were not visible with little foundation, so I could wear short sleeves.

I put on makeup, but today it wasn't because I wanted to hide something.
It was to feel pretty for once.

As soon as I went downstairs, I saw everyone in the kitchen fighting over something stupid, but they stopped as soon as I sat on the table.

"Now that's just rude, hop down!" Minho lifted me up and put me down on a chair. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks, but don't you dare lift me up like that again." I gave him a warning gaze, although he found it funny.
"Will you forgive me if i'll give you a little present?"
"Nope." I popped the 'p'

His eyes twinkled as he gave me a little box.
I'm excited about whatever it is, but I won't show it.

"A dog collar?" I frowned. "What the fuck?"

He smiled brightly as he gave me another box. Big one.

"A puppy!" I screamed and hugged him almost immediately.
"Alright darling, you're suffocating me!" He chuckled as I sat back down and held the puppy close to my face.

"Thank you." I looked up at him, although my sight was blurry.
I felt tears in my eyes, but it wasn't sad tears for once.

"So? What are you gonna name him?"

I hugged a little puppy tightly.

"That's a hard question. I don't know." I chuckled and took a little cookie. "Fry, your cookies never disappoint." I said as I took another bite.

I looked around.
Newt was putting candles on the cake, Teresa and Fry were baking more cookies.

I missed that feeling.
I missed pure happiness.

"So? Am I forgiven?"
"For earlier? Yes." I chuckled and got up from my chair.
"For other things?"
"Don't start, please." I whispered at him. He nodded.

Newt lights up the candles and as soon as they finish singing, I make a wish before blowing out the candles.

"What you wished for?" Minho asked me with a curious face.
"It won't come true if I tell you that." I wink at him.

"So! What are our plans for today?" Newt asks with a smile.

"I thought you had everything planned, but I don't want anything big. We could go to a nightclub, or something like that." I shrugged.
"Club does sound nice." Fry agreed.

"Dad left a present for you by the way." Newt reached into his pocket and gave me a little box.
"How nice of him." I rolled my eyes and opened the box.

It was a necklace, with my initials on it.

"Pretty." I put it back where it belonged and went to my room.

I had a whole drawer filled with dad's presents. For my birthday, for christmas..
Most of them were apologies.

I heard a knock on my door and as I unlocked it and opened, I saw Minho, with a puppy.

"What's up?"
"Can I come in?"
"Sure." I left the door open and sat down on my bed.

Minho came in and closed the door behind him.

"Did you want something?" I broke the silence. He shook his head and sat beside me.

"I know we didn't talk much after.. you know." He started carefully. "I just wanted to apologize."
"For what? You were concerned for me. It's me who has to apologize." I looked at him.

"It's alright, I know you love me" he chuckled.
"I don't love you." I do.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He let out a small laugh.

Yeah no, nothing helps me to sleep at night.

"You know, I don't really hate you." I kept my voice low.
"I know." He nodded.

"I'm just hurt. That's all."
"I know." He repeated with a not so steady voice. "I'll try to make it up to you. You don't have to forgive me though. I can't forgive myself either."

"Then why'd you leave?"
"I'll tell you someday." He looked me in the eyes. "I promise I will."

I nodded.

"When that day comes.. I'll tell you some things too. Or maybe I'll tell you everything."

Ew this chapter is SO BAD.

I fainted twice today (tf is wrong with me) so forgive me for this messy, short and cringy chapter, I can't think properly🥲

Anyway, Take care!!

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