chapter seven

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Author pov

A man was tied to a chair and some people were beating him with different types of weapons

A man was tied to a chair and some people were beating him with different types of weapons

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" Ahhh p..pp..le..ase... l...leave..!! " The man spoke already half fainted.

" Will you confess or not " one of the gaurd said soon they heard a loud footsteps they turned and saw devil's were coming aka their boss.

" Did he confess anything " rajveer spoke.

" No sir "

" Bhai just give me 20 minutes and I will behave in such a way that the Bastard will see death " ayan said dangerously looking at that man

" Tell us who! who told you to hack our security system who! " Reyansh said.

" Bhai yah aise nahi manega aaj toh yah Gaya " ayan was about to take a step but rajveer stopped him.


Rajveer pov

I picked up a liquor bottle from the table and went closer to him and sprinkled the whole of it on his wound and he let out a loud scream.

" This was just the trailer if my little brother comes into this game, you are dead so it's better you confess " i gave him a good 2 minutes to think but he didn't said anything I was to leave but then he said something in his low voice which only I heard and started laughing like a mad person.

Hearing this from him, I froze in my place. I close my eyes and saw her face infront of me.

" Untied him Get him treated by from a doctor and bring him to the basement of my penthouse "

" Yes sir "

" But bhai what happened suddenly "

" There are some things you shouldn't know " saying that I left.


Soon I came into my cabin and saw siya sitting there with a grumpy experience Oh come on this is just your illusion she can't be here.

Soon I came into my cabin and saw siya sitting there with a grumpy experience Oh come on this is just your illusion she can't be here

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