Chapter 1: First day of being a cannon fodder

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"Lousy author, sooner or later you will suffer retribution!"

After sending out the final chapter and waiting around for half an hour to pass, Gu Yan refreshed the page and began reading the comments. Unsurprisingly, he had managed to garner a whole bunch of criticism.

As an author of face-slapping novels, the main reason why he got such terrible censure was because he had, once again, written his novel with a sh*t ending. That's right. Again.

Ever since Bujian opened up to stallion novels[1], Gu Yan had signed on with them and thus, began his journey down the dark road of novels with bad endings.

The reason why the road was dark was simply because authors that write bad endings were destined to be blacklisted by their readers. However, the reason why his novels were still extremely popular was because...apart from those disguAs for why they were well-liked, it was probably because his novels left the readers feeling extremely refreshed[2]. Hence, readers often went ahead and read them anyway, deciding to not have any regrets in the face of how awesome his novels were. However, every single time, when they reached the terrible ending, they still exploded in anger. While they scolded him as a "Trash Author!", they continued to endure and search for his other works.

 Once he walked down this road, he continued this way of life for the next 5 years. Without a single exception, every novel of his had such terrible endings. In the end, this author who refused to change his way finally suffered retribution...

[Ding ding, System 037 binding complete. Initializing transfer...]

Gu Yan had originally wanted to take a quick look at the comments before going to bed. The moment he laid down, he heard a strange voice.

Gu Yan was sure that his ears had no problem, so why did he suddenly start hearing things? He froze for a moment.


As an author, Gu Yan's imagination was naturally very abundant and he had a certain degree of acceptance towards strange events. Thus, he began guessing the proper answer in his mind.

Gu Yan did not have to guess long. The system kindly let him in on the mystery.

[There are a large number of people with very deep grudges against the host. Originally, these resentments were scattered without any problems. However, 37 minutes ago, they suddenly converged together for unknown reasons and became strong to the point of even affecting the three worlds.]

Around half an hour ago? The corner of Gu Yan's lips twitched. Wasn't that when he had just uploaded the ending to his novel?

[In order to rectify the problem and reduce the extent of impact, the system has calculated that the best solution is to allow you, the host, to take a personal trip to these worlds.] The system continued to explain.

"These worlds...Are you talking about the worlds in my novels?" His mood changed too quickly and Gu Yan's response to this stressful situation was a deadpan expression. Although the system did not say it clearly, from his speculations, it seemed to be the case.

[Yes, please rest assured that the system will be responsible for the host's personal safety in the present world.] The present world referring to Earth.

You're crazy if you think I can rest assured!

"Can I refuse?" Sitting up straight, Gu Yan instinctively tried to fight for his rights.

Unexpectedly, the system gave a positive answer. [The host can reject this best option and choose the second-best scenario, that is to be eliminated by the system.]

Gu Yan: "......"

He had always been living well and did not want to die yet. So Gu Yan, of course, chose that so-called 'best option'. According to the system, he could return to Earth and continue his peaceful life after taking a trip to those worlds.

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