Chapter 21

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It was hard to imagine that a Heidis could actually be appeased after completely entering a full combat state. Moreover, this was merely a technical possibility.

This should be almost impossible because, in this extreme state, Heidis would unconsciously block off all external interference.

However, the young man in front of him actually did it and even succeeded in bringing the Heidis in the black machine back to the mothership.

The only thing was that when Evan looked at his commanding officer now, he seemed to be a little bit hungover...?

He had always felt that the weak human being would be constantly overwhelmed by his own commander and watching the youth being tightly held by their own commanders, Evan was at a loss.

They were in the command room of the ship and only three people are currently present. After reporting the state of the troops and receiving a response from their boss, the young aide quickly evacuated the place.

He still had a lot of work to do as an adjutant and anyway, the commander no matter what, would not hurt that puny human...

From behind, a warm breath briefly brushed past his ear, causing Gu Yan to feel a little ticklish. To his chagrin, the moment he moved, he found himself held even tighter.

"Eli..." Towards their compromising positions, Gu Yan really couldn't bear to look anymore.

The handsome and aloof silver-haired officer sat on a high back leather throne. Having just come out of combat state, the adult Heidis was clearly emitting an aura full of warning and threat.

However, in stark contrast, the Heidis was embracing a black-haired youth on his lap. His left hand was tightly hooked around the youth's waist in a prison like grip, as though he wanted to completely possess him.

After uttering that, Gu Yan found the warm breath moving away slightly from him. Following that, the fingers of the man behind him touched the back of his neck, lightly pressing against him as he rubbed back and forth.

Unsurprisingly, there was a bruise there. However, the person rubbing him was extremely gentle and did not make him feel any pain.

In fact, it was quite comfortable. Under such circumstances, Gu Yan unconsciously relaxed his body and slowly inched towards the neither soft nor hard, cool 'cushion' for support.

However, the very next second, Gu Yan was frozen stiff. The fingers that had been lightly caressing his neck were replaced by a cool and light touch.

Gu Yan did not even need to think to know what that was. The feeling of his neck being kissed caused Gu Yan, who had originally relaxed his body, straighten his back instantly, followed by a few low coughs.

However, unlike in the past, the youth did not show any signs of refusal towards the Heidis's intimacy.

Previously, he had used a tone that he usually used to coax his own cat to successfully lure the Heidis back to the mothership. After they finally came face-to-face, the pair of vertical pupils had been staring at him and had not moved away since.

In particular, when this pair of pupils landed on him, it would constrict slightly, as though...

Entering a state of combat.

However the other person's anger was not directed at him, but rather, at those who had gotten close to him.

Startled, Gu Yan did not know how he came up with this idea, but by the time he reacted, his hand was already touching the Heidis's head.

At this time, the stoic faced Heidis slightly lowered his eyebrow, seeming docile as he remained motionless. However, the pair of vertical pupils was still narrowed into slits, extremely gloomy.

The People Who're Supposed To Kill Me Fell For Me InsteadWhere stories live. Discover now