Chapter 20 - I'm Back

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Although the enemy ship had been able to quickly set up their defenses, they were still bombarded with assaults that could not be fully blocked by their shields.

The ship which was sunk in just a few seconds, could not even understand at the last moment why they were sinking. They had only heard successive warnings of damage before losing control of their heavily damaged ship.

The sergeants watching the whole process were in a state of shock. Was this person a master-level warship manipulator of the Warship Division-?

The other side was clearly driving the enemy ship, yet had saved them. For a while, he did not know if he should launch an attack or not. Even the hands of the sergeant positioned on the control interface was frozen.

As a result, the two ships on the periphery of the ring faced each other. There were no movements between them as they had a standoff for several seconds.

"00, can you connect me to this ship?"

The enemy's warships were unlikely to be on the same communication channel. In this case, Gu Yan had to rely greatly on his system's black technology[1].

The intense battle was still ongoing. To avoid being mistakenly besieged by the Heidis's warships, it was important to first secure a communication channel.

[A connection is being established-]

Not long after, the emotionless voice sounded in Gu Yan's mind again.

[The communication line has been successfully established.]

This was much easier now, but Gu Yan suddenly thought of another problem. What should he say? Was he supposed to tell them that he had been kidnapped to become a hostage and in the end, escaped by himself...?

The victim of the system's unparalleled hacking skills was stunned as he watched the long string of code easily tap into their communication line without much hindrance. Especially after listening to the other party's speech, he became even more stunned and froze for several seconds.

The expert in the enemy's warship opposite him was actually the puny dark-haired youth? The one that looks like he could be pinched to death anytime...?

Thinking of how the ship had managed to blast away the enemy ships earlier, cold sweat ran down the sergeant's back.

This was obviously the skills of a master level battleship Controller. If he was placed in the military, there would no doubt be a fight for such a talent.

What pinched to death?

If he let the other person sit in front of the ship's control, the one being pinched to death would be them.

Don't judge a person by their race. This so-called 'human' race, their weak appearance was merely a facade to lower their enemies' guard.

Gu Yan was not aware of the thoughts running through the mind of the Heidis opposite him.After receiving a response, he directly steered the ship into the heart of the battle, the most chaotic place.

The reconnaissance ship was not used for head-on combat unlike warships. Their firepower and defense configuration compared to ordinary warships was actually much weaker.

So why go towards the chaotic warzone? Of course it's to steal the spotlight...

Ah, no, it's for the sake of a convenient sneak attack.

Within the Heidis's mothership, on the radar interface of the control room, a red dot had suddenly appeared, signalling a new enemy ship had broken through. Evan had just finished communicating with another sergeant.

"Send an order to all the ships, attack on that reconnaissance ship is prohibited."

The young soldier scrunched his eyebrows. The battle was so fierce yet the youth that his commanding officer placed great importance on had actually ran into the most chaotic part of the war...

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