Chapter 3

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As Esthony and Laza made their way to the camp ravine, darkness enveloped the surroundings. The area was illuminated by the soft glow of large fireflies and the flickering light of massive torches and lanterns. The light danced and reflected on the dim faces of both teenagers and adults, creating an otherworldly ambiance. They descended the stone steps, their footsteps echoing in the night, until they reached an ancient stone theater. Finding an unoccupied spot next to a group of four campers, they settled down quietly as the session began.

On the stage, Esthony recognized some of the counselors she had met earlier during her arrival at the camp. Among them stood a conspicuously tall and rugged man, exuding an air of maturity. He had chiseled features, shaggy sandy blonde hair, and an aura of strength. Esthony couldn't help but be drawn to his eyes. They were a mesmerizing greenish-yellow color, almost glowing against his dark skin. The large torches surrounding the stage further accentuated his presence.

In an almost uncanny manner, the stranger's gaze met Esthony's, causing her heart to leap with a mix of excitement and curiosity. She quickly averted her eyes, only to be captured by the sight of an unfamiliar tall and lanky man with long black hair making his way to the center of the stage. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the campers awaited the man's words, their attention focused solely on him.

With a smile that revealed his bright white teeth, the man, Landon, introduced himself as the director of Camp Elkwood to the crowd. His facial features exuded refinement, adding to his charismatic presence. As Landon spoke, Laza leaned over to Esthony and whispered that he had never been the director before. In the previous year, Izekial held the position.

Curiosity piqued, Esthony discreetly leaned towards Laza, inquiring about the change. Laza explained that it seemed the camp director changes every year, and Landon had taken over from Izekial.

Meanwhile, Landon's voice grew louder, and he glanced over at Esthony and Laza. He continued addressing the campers, emphasizing the camp's focus on understanding their unique powers. He reminded everyone of the rule that boys were not allowed in the girls' cabins, and vice versa. The announcement was met with a loud and fearsome boo from the young campers, expressing their dissatisfaction with the rule.

As Esthony looked around, her gaze met the intense stare of a dark and very handsome young man. His eyes were a deep ebony color, captivating in their intensity. His strikingly handsome facial features added to his allure, leaving Esthony intrigued by his presence.

With a sense of intrigue and curiosity, Esthony leaned towards her friend Laza once again, her voice barely above a whisper. Her inquisitive nature couldn't resist the urge to know more about the enigmatic figure that had captured her attention. "Pray tell, Laza, who might that gentleman be?" Esthony whispers in Laza's ear conspiratorially.

Laza, ever observant, cast a quick glance towards the object of Esthony's curiosity before offering a response. "It's quite astonishing, my dear friend, that he has cast his gaze upon you. Throughout his time here, no young lady has managed to capture his attention." She confirms with one eye brow raises at her new found friend.

Esthony found herself dumbfounded by this revelation. What could have possibly drawn his eyes towards her? Laza, sensing her bewilderment, continued to enlighten her. "Ah, that is Joel, the epitome of popularity within this camp's boundaries. He possesses an aura that captivates those around him. Interestingly, it seems he is yet to discover his own unique power, although his parents firmly believe he possesses one. Hence, his continued presence in this camp."

As Esthony absorbed this information, a sense of melancholy washed over her. She couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment within herself, for she, too, was among the few who had yet to unearth their hidden abilities. To make matters worse, her mother rarely broached the subject, leaving her in the dark.

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