Chapter 10

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As Spenser's skin burned under the late summer sun, he couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. Despite his youthful appearance, he was far older and more experienced than he appeared. Standing at an impressive height of six feet eight inches, a typical stature for an Ithadonian warrior, he had been summoned by the council to assist Elkwood with training. But he despised every moment spent at this camp, longing for the thrill of battling vampires and the undead, rather than lingering in what he considered a mundane boot camp.

As water cascaded down his abdomen, memories of a tree uprooting flashed through Spenser's mind, causing shivers to run down his spine. If his suspicions were correct, Esthony was in even more danger than she realized.

Esthony's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the handsome and tall man bathing in the scorching sun. Her emotions ran wild at the sight of him, and she took a nervous breath before approaching him.

"Shouldn't you be off partying with a tree or talking to flowers?" he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Esthony responded with a sarcastic laugh as she made her way towards him. "Yeah, um, I need to ask you something that no one else seems willing to tell me."

Spenser's eyes narrowed, his face displaying a concentrated expression as he took in Esthony's beautiful features. Her deep mahogany brown eyes captivated him like nothing he had ever seen before in his one hundred and fifty years. Her jet black hair cascaded down her muscular back, and her skin appeared soft and luscious.

A tightness gripped Spenser's chest as Esthony drew closer to him. His gaze lingered on her bright neon green dress, which accentuated her curvy body and formed a short train at the back. She looked like a goddess, and her overwhelming beauty caused a flush to creep up his face.

"Well, I'm not sure if I can help you, but go ahead and ask me. I'll see what I can do," Spenser responded, his voice tinged with tension. A thought rushed to his mind, "What if she asks about her spirit talent or the prophecy?"

Spenser's eyes darted around, avoiding Esthony's piercing gaze. Would he tell her the truth? He knew it was crucial that she remained unaware. As he locked eyes with her, he couldn't help but feel completely vulnerable. "I want to know why my mother and others around me constantly feel the need to hide secrets from me," Esthony stated firmly, her body drawing closer to Spenser's.

Spenser's grip tightened on her arm as he stared fiercely into her eyes. "If I tell you, no one must know. Not even your mother," he warned, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air.

Esthony tensed, fully aware that Spenser was about to reveal something of vital importance. But in that moment, all she could focus on was the sensation of his strong hand wrapped tightly around her slender arm, sending a rush of conflicting emotions through her body.

"I understand," Esthony replied, her voice filled with determination. "All I want is the truth. Why do trees carry me away into the forest? And why do I possess abilities that others do not?"

Spenser's grip on Esthony's arm loosened slightly. He knew that if the council discovered he had discussed these matters with her, they would not tolerate his defiance any longer. But there was something about Esthony that had a mysterious hold over him, something he had never experienced before.

His eyes glazed over as memories from long ago flooded his mind. "You are my only love," a woman from his past had once promised him. The thought made him cringe. He refused to allow himself to be vulnerable again. Why did this Wright girl have such power over him? He couldn't allow that. There was too much at stake, too much to protect.

Yet, despite his reservations, he felt a strong urge to protect her. This doe-eyed woman with long black hair possessed dangerous powers, but her beauty and allure called to every part of him. Esthony hesitated as Spenser's gaze lingered on her. Her mind told her to pull away, but her heart yearned to stay with him in that moment.

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