Chapter I: Part IV: Sacrifice

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Thump thump Thump thump Octavia's heart was beginning to beat out of her chest. The men's words from the other side pierced the once vibrant celebratory atmosphere, casting a momentary silence upon the room before Bellamy's voice swiftly cut through like a dagger. "Random inspection? What happened to being warned?" he hissed at his mother, the words barely audible.

With practiced urgency, Bellamy and Oliver sprang into action, guiding a trembling Octavia to her concealed sanctuary beneath the floorboards. Here, in this secret enclave known only to three souls, Octavia lived a life of shadows and secrecy, confined within the narrow confines of her mother's dwelling.

For Octavia, this substellar existence was a prison of the soul. Her heart yearned for the vibrant hues of foliage and sweet blue water that Bellamy had described to her so many times before, longing to see the stars, the specks of diamonds in the sky as Oliver had told her of on numerous occasions; never dismissing her desires. Yet, the harsh reality of life aboard the ark dictated otherwise: strict regulations permitted only one child per person.

The consequences of defying this rule were dire; Octavia faced the grim possibility of being floated; cast adrift into the void of space, while her mother was certainly doomed to such a fate if their lives became known. As she nestled into her familiar hiding spot once more, tears threatened to betray her fear. "I'm scared, big brother," she whispered to Oliver, her voice trembling with emotion, a cold sweat beginning to drip from her olive forehead.

In a tender gesture of reassurance, Oliver reached out, his touch gentle as he cradled her face in his hand, his other on the tile ready to close. "Just be quiet, O. Bell and I will come for you when it's safe," he whispered back, his words a soothing balm to her frayed nerves.

With a silent nod, Octavia acquiesced, her trust placed in the comforting embrace of her brothers. As Oliver sealed the hatch above her, taking a moment to run his finger gently through her hair as he did so, the darkness enveloped her, the sensation of her hair slipping through his fingers serving as a fleeting reminder of the world beyond their clandestine sanctuary.

Within moments, Aurora nodded to the boys before cautiously opening the door. In marched two imposing figures: one with a clean-shaven head, his stature below average, while the other, slightly taller, exuded an aura of calculated scrutiny with his sharp gaze.

The shorter man's eyes lingered on Aurora as his partner began their search, a subtle threat underlying his gaze. "My jacket had a spot; wash it better next time," he whispered, his words a venomous reminder of their vulnerability. With a brazenness that made Oliver's blood boil, he dared to invade Aurora's personal space, grasping a handful of her rear, his actions leaving a bitter taste of powerlessness in the air.

Aurora, her composure faltering under the weight of their scrutiny, forced a strained smile. "I'm sorry; I'll get that taken care of next time," she murmured, her voice tinged with unease. But her apology fell on deaf ears as the guard merely grunted in response, his attention turning back to the task at hand.

Bellamy, ever the protector, stepped forward, his posture radiating defiance masked beneath a veneer of compliance. "I've been initiated into the guard, sir," he announced, his voice steady despite the tension crackling in the air.

The bald man's lips twitched in acknowledgment. "Well done, Mr. Blake," he conceded before resuming his search, his eyes scanning the room with calculated precision. Bellamy positioned himself strategically, leaning against the table, facing the door, with his mother who now sat upright on the bed to his right, a silent sentinel guarding against any further intrusion, while Oliver, his jaw clenched with suppressed anger, leaned against the metal door.

As the shorter man's gaze fell to the counter and upon the remnants of the starshine cake, a flicker of curiosity danced in his eyes. "Starshine cake," he mused, his interest piqued. "What was the occasion?" He asked, scanning the faces of everyone in the room.

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