Chapter II: Part II: Mop Bucket

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Ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine... Deep breath... one hundred.

Oliver stood tall, resolute, and drenched in sweat. His gaze shifted to his simple grey shirt draped across the thin mattress. The harsh light from a single bulb casts stark shadows on the sharp metal corner of the bedframe against the grey wall. Grey, grey, and more grey-the room was a study in monotony, devoid of depth or serenity. The only respite from the relentless greyness was the blindingly white bulb. Even the books he read were a monotonous contrast of black ink on white pages, their worn covers almost as grey as the floor beneath him.

He stretched, emitting a light grunt as his muscles extended, and grabbed the book he had been reading for days.

"February 18th," he read aloud. Those words were a mere detail in the book, but to Oliver, that date held immense significance. "O's birthday," he whispered, a smile forming. "I can't believe she's almost sixteen. Just a few more days. They grow up so fast."

Oliver closed the book gently, his mind drifting to cherished memories of birthdays spent with Octavia. The room remained still as usual, its dull hues a stark contrast to the vibrant recollections filling his thoughts.

The stillness of Oliver's cell contrasted sharply with the turbulent discussions in the council chambers.

"Give them two weeks and send them to Pike," Marcus Kane's words reverberated in the dimly lit room. Faces turned to him, a mix of reverence and disbelief etched on them. The silence grew heavy, the weight of the decision pressing down like the gravity of Earth they all yearned to return to.

"All in favor?" Thelonius Jaha, the Chancellor, broke the silence, his voice sharp. After a moment of hesitation, a chorus of a unanimous yet uncertain "I" echoed through the chamber.

"Very well then," Jaha's voice boomed with authority. He locked eyes with the other four council members, the gravity of their decision clear.

"Starting tomorrow, all prisoners will have a two-hour class with Pike for earth skills, all except Oliver," his gaze settled firmly on Abby, "and Clarke. They stay in solitary."

As Kane followed Abby out, closing the door behind them, Jaha grabbed his arm, looking him sternly in the eyes. "Accompany me, Marcus. It's time to inform Charles Pike."

With a heavy sigh, David Miller shut the door to Oliver's cell, providing him with sustenance and brief conversation. A sad smile played on his lips, knowing at least his son wasn't as isolated as Oliver. As he turned to leave, he saw the familiar shine of a bald head, the man's proud yet gentle strut unmistakable.

"David!" the man called, his mustache twitching as he spoke, his gruff beard framing his face.

"Charles! What brings you here, my friend?" As David spoke, he felt the vibrations in the floor. He turned swiftly, hands snapping to attention. "Chancellor on deck!"

"At ease," Jaha said, his eyes darting to Pike as he placed a hand on David's shoulder. "We've been looking for you, Charles," Jaha smiled, his chin held high.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Chancellor?"

"Mr. Miller, Mr. Kane and I need to speak with Mr. Pike alone," Jaha gestured for David to leave, which he did.

"Charles," Kane began, stepping forward, "what we are about to tell you is highly confidential. If you disclose anything-"

"I'll be floated," Pike said, nodding with understanding.

"Good. Now, we need your help," Jaha spoke, his back straightening as he fought a slight tremor in his voice.

"What do you need?" Pike asked, raising an eyebrow.

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