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two days later

Now, Mr. D hated Roslyn more than ever. At least his hatred was on timer now? She was really regretting wandering into the attic now. There was nothing that made the feeling of being an expiration date any better. It was all anyone saw when they looked at her. She had a little more than ten more days of her life left, and she was determined to live it to the extreme.

A quest was the least she could do, it was a guaranteed adventure! She had never done this before, but Roslyn was excited. She was to leave this evening and find her half-blood, though very few people knew. If they found out she had snuck into the attic and received a prophecy, there'd be a never-ending line of kids. So many attempts to sneak in. It was for the better that she had found out and nobody else knew. These demigods were power-hungry, that was for certain.

At least Chiron didn't hate her. He was mad, yes, but he had a reason to be. She had fucked up, and it had cost her dearly. No one ever wanted to know when they'd die. She knew it was unavoidable, nothing would stop her from dying. Yet she didn't want to know how she was destined to die. She couldn't handle being afraid when she already knew she had ten days left.

She wasn't sure what she needed to bring with her, considering Roslyn had never been on a quest. And Grover didn't know either. She couldn't tell her best friend she was about to leave for her death, but she couldn't leave him without saying goodbye. At this point, she didn't even need to go searching for trouble, it always just came to her.

Maybe it was time to see Chiron. Roslyn didn't know where to start, and as much as she didn't want to ask for help, she had to. If only she could avoid everyone and make it through the next ten days on her own, but it wasn't going to work out. She had to say her goodbyes, and then meet this demigod she was supposed to protect.

She took a deep breath in, knowing she was to leave in a few hours and she would probably come back here one last time to get the last of her necessary belongings. And she had to tell Rosemary. That was worse than Grover. Rosemary had to know she wasn't coming back. She couldn't lie to her sister.

Grabbing a bag, Roslyn left her hiding space in the Big House to find Chiron, Grover, or Rosemary, whoever she could find first. She knew she had to leave soon and being prepared was a must, but she couldn't forget her goodbyes. She had barely left the Big House when she spied Grover, walking with a camper she believed was a son of Apollo, though she wasn't sure.

"Grover!" she called, trying to plaster a big, fake, happy smile across her face. He waved back at her, wrapping up his conversation with the demigod before walking over to her.

"Hey Roslyn, what's up?" he asked, always cheerful and happy. Oh, the poor boy had no clue what he was about to hear. Let alone the fact that his best friend wouldn't be around to be with him in ten days time.

"So... I did something that might have gotten me into a lot of trouble," she started, her voice fading as she finished her sentence. She just couldn't tell him he wouldn't see her alive after today. Immediately, Grover looked concerned.

"Roslyn. What. Did. You. Do," he said, acting like a stern parent.

"I.... may or may not have snuck into the attic, visited the Oracle, received a prophecy, and am about to leave on a quest in a couple hours," she replied, speaking faster and faster as her sentence continued. Grover's jaw dropped.

"ROSLYN MEADOWS! HOW COULD YOU?" he said, practically yelling. He didn't seem too mad, which was good. Considering the fact that she was going to die in ten days time. In that moment, Roslyn decided she wouldn't tell him. She couldn't handle seeing the pain that would be on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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