6 Family visits part 1 - 1930

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July of 1930

Liesl - age 9

Friedrich - age 7

Louisa - age 6

Kurt - age 4

Brigitta - age 3

Marta - couple days old

Both Agathe's and Georg's parents hadn't been able to visit and meet their new grandchild yet, but that was about to change soon. The Whiteheads had to travel all the way from England, so they weren't expected for at least a couple of days. Both families were going to stay over, that would be easier considering the travel time.

Georg and Agathe wanted to make sure their parents could not disapprove of anything and made sure to prepare in advance. While they worried over meals, outfits and how everything was presented for the Whiteheads, the children and parenting were the biggest concerns when it came to Georg's parents.

Agathe had already ordered custom sailor suits for the children, hoping it would please both their fathers, considering their backgrounds. Frau Schmidt had picked them up this morning in town.

Georg smiled as he sat down on the terrace, next to Agathe. He watched as his five eldest children were playing with a large food bowl for the horses. The stable boy was cleaning it with a water hose, but quickly after he was finished the children decided that it would make a perfect U-boat for them to play with.

It was funny watching his oldest son yell facts about the navy that his mother made him study. Agathe had made him show all his medals to his children and explain their meanings. She said it was important for them to know that their father was a 'war hero'. He never really understood the term 'hero'. One man's hero is another man's enemy after all.

Of course Friedrich and Louisa were bickering over who should be the captain, while Liesl was trying to diffuse the situation. "Can't I be the captain?" Kurt asked. Without losing eye contact with each other both Friedrich and Louisa snapped a 'no' at him.

"How about we ask father to be the captain? He has experience after all..." Liesl suggested. That lit everyone's faces up. They ran towards their father as fast as they could. Louisa was the first to reach their parents.

"I told you you could outrun your brother." her mother winked at Louisa who stood there proudly, smiling. Not much later her siblings arrived.

"You ask." Friedrich nudged Liesl, knowing she was the best pleader.

"Papa, we were playing navy, and we were wondering if you would like to play the captain, please." she asked as nicely as she could.

Georg leaned back in his chair, acting as if he were thinking really hard. "Please." the other children now joined in as well.

"It would be the perfect opportunity to teach them a bit of discipline." Agathe added. Georg looked at his wife and both shared a smile.

"Alright, I'll be your captain then." their father said as he stood up, which caused the children to all start talking over each other. He held his hands up in surrender, quieting them down.

They arrived at the 'U-boat'. "Let's start with a straight line. Oldest to youngest, with the oldest on my left hand and the youngest on my right hand. I need you to stand at attention, just like when you are sent to the corner".

Not much later they had formed a line. Their father tweaked a bit here and there to make sure it was straight. Overall he was pretty content already. He then went on with explaining a couple of basic drills for marching. It was a bit much for Brigitta, considering she was only three years old, but she didn't give up.

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