7 Family visits part 2 - 1930

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Scène 7, family visits part 2 - 1930

July of 1930

Liesl - age 9

Friedrich - age 7

Louisa - age 6

Kurt - age 4

Brigitta - age 3

Marta - one week old

Frank's children:

Michael - age 11

James - age 8

Catherine/Katie - age 6

William - age 5

Cora - age 2

After weeks of planning in advance, Agathe's parents and brother, with his family, would finally be visiting. The children were busy helping prepare the guestrooms.

"Here, you take these towels and fold them nicely, like this." Georg showed Liesl and Kurt with military precision.

Both grinned widely and saluted their father and ran off. Agathe rolled her eyes and tutted. "What?" Georg asked innocently.

"Oh, you know exactly what. I am not allowing you to run this house like one of your ships." she scolded him lightly.

"I thought you said so yourself that they needed a little discipline. Besides, they enjoy it." he defended.

"As long as you don't ever make them march about the grounds with a whistle or start bellowing orders. Promise me that".

Before Georg had the chance to respond, he was interrupted by his two children. "Father, could you check the ones we have folded?" Liesl asked.

"Yes of course, I will check them, Selly." he said as he followed them into the bathroom.


Georg and Agathe weren't too worried about their family's arrival. Though Georg had the urge to prove himself to Agathe's father. When he was courting Agathe, John, her father, was not too happy with that. He said that boys like him weren't any good and that he was betting that Georg would soon leave his daughter to hook up with another girl.

And then there were the children. Frank, Agathe's brother, had five children, three boys and two girls between the age of eleven and two. Last year the Von Trapps went to England and the children got along quite nicely, with some disputes and mischief here and there. Eleven children were going to be a lot to handle, but Georg knew that once the children found out their cousins and nieces would be visiting, they were going to be ecstatic.

The children were fluent in English, being taught by their mother. Agathe's family had Austrian roots, so they also spoke German. That made communication a lot easier.

Georg had unlocked the backdoor, so Frank and his family could sneak in and surprise Agathe, while she welcomed her parents.

"Dear, you look lovely!" Aggie exclaimed as she embraced her daughter in her arms.

"How are you holding up, Georg?" John asked while he shook his son in law's hand.

"Good, sir. We are lucky we have such good children, that does make having a new baby a lot easier." Georg smiled. John nodded and walked over to his daughter. Agathe wasted no time and embraced her father.

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