Our Different Worlds

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A young girl ruffles her short jet-black hair, blown out of shape by intense winds, and hops off her giant trusty sparrow, Joe.

Her blue hooded-cape flows gently as she pulls her vintage goggles down, and the sparkle in her eyes glimmers as she stares at such beautiful tall trees and flora.

A sharp breath escapes her lungs, "Wow Joe... isn't she pretty?" The sparrow chirps in uneasiness. "Oh don't be so scared, I gotta explore this place before my Dad gets his guards down here."

She brings out a note book, then takes a couple of steps forward before the white fuzzy ends of her hood are pulled back. "Ah! Joe, careful!" She stumbles with her armor slightly rattling along with her tools.

Joe makes an uneasy chirp, something felt off with this place. "Joe, I'll be fine." The girl tries to convince, then the bird nuzzles his head against his owner. She pets Joe's head and nuzzles hers to coddle him, "Ol'Marcy will be okay," Marcy reassures, "alright buddy?" Joe chirps some more turning towards the sudden cut of barren waste land behind him. "Just wait here, I'll be back before anything or anyone can find us."

Her bird has no choice but to let her go. Marcy nods and turns back to the rich vegetation and flora around her. Her armor clacks a bit with each step deeper into the beautiful unknown. Marcy runs her hands against a pillar of an ancient ruin, overtaken by the greater beauty of green.

The girl always makes sure to get to these unique areas before her Father, King Andrias. Well... adoptive Father, the King is a Newt and she was human. Half human...? she thinks so at least? For all Marcy knows she was created in her Father's laboratory. Born with a human body but with chilling amphibian blood.

Anywho, for a couple of years these unusual green lands have been appearing, and with that were large beasts and creatures. Therefore her Father has to get rid of the amazing anomalous lands nearby the kingdom. The creatures will disturb the cities work, which in turn, may cause a great hinderance on everyone's survival.

Grazing her hand across green moss and sketching a small bug she'd never seen, Marcy can't help but wonder how the trees and flora came to be. When her people planted trees they were never this large. a heavy quantity of water would have to be spread along the wide land, and water was very scarce... so how? Where or who was the water coming from? It was as if it fell from the sky freely? But the sky was blue, it was always clear and blue, except for the sun of course.

"Could it be some new rogue organization?" Marcy wonders while taking a sample of soil, "But it would be impossible to do all of this, and what would even be the point?" Her brows wrinkle while focusing on writing notes. Before she even knows it, Marcy trips forward on a root.

The girl groans, feeling a slight sting under her chin and ache in her teeth. And as she begins to get up in a daze, Marcy spots a glimmer behind some vines... she pushes herself upward to crawl closer, and finds...

A jewel...?

It glows with a soft green hue, "Whoa..." Marcy reached out to grab the strange jewel. "Why hello there." She says while studying its shimmering features closely. She holds it against the sunlight, "Wow you, my friend, are quite the find." Little rocks nearby begin to rattle softly, but she doesn't even notice, "I think I've seen you in one of Dad's books before...?"

The ground suddenly starts shaking and mounds begins to burst from a close distance, "Oh fiddle sticks..." Marcy eyes widened in horror and she stuffs the green gem in her bag before beginning to run. Suddenly a large sand worm breaks out from the surface, screeching its song of death.

"Baby sand worm!" Marcy shouts, these youngsters are always in search for food. The girl runs and runs, hurling over every branch, root, and rock as the creature hunts her down. The gigantic predator dove right back underneath the soil, now quickly slithering way closer beneath her boots.

Marcy almost smiled when she saw the silhouette of her bird, "Joe! Joe! Joe!" She desperately shouts. His chirps come closer and she nearly reaches him, but the creature shoves itself out the surface right in front of her, baring its second set of teeth. Marcy flies back hitting a cracked tree, her breathing becomes erratic when pulling out the crossbow attachment on her arm, she fires. The sand worm dodges and roars, preparing to swallow her whole, but Marcy only smirks, then is suddenly sprung off the ground. With a click of the retract button she's sent herself flying up towards a branch, landing perfectly ontop.

The sand worm screeches in frustration.

Marcy panics at the fact she has a slim chance at escape as she frantically cuts the rope of her arrow. The worm nearly crunches Marcy along with the branch as she jumps down with a role to soften her landing. Her legs do not stop pumping with adrenaline to reach her sparrow. With a loud whistle made between her fingers, Joe readies for flight as the sand worm is already beginning to close in again.

The baby worm screeches one more time, so Marcy just grabs the reigns of the sattle and yells, "Fly Joe! Fly!" The sparrow launches himself and the worm just barely misses Marcy, who's dangling from the reigns in mid flight.

The girl takes a second to recover herself before pulling herself up onto the saddle-seat of Joe. With strained grunts she finally makes it on top and flops down to stare at the sky with a huge sigh and nervous laughter. She places her goggles back over her eyes before getting up and hugging Joe. "Good job buddy." Joe chirps, glad his owner, was in one piece. "Lets go home, I have made quite the discovery today." Marcy smirks, and Joe silently agrees, soaring in the forever clear-blue sky.

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