The Guardi-ANNE is Upset at Me!

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Sasha doesn't remember when the bad luck started. Maybe it was the day where she drove her closest friend away during high school. Maybe it was the day she grew an urge to keep everything under her control. Or maybe it had been there the day she turned seven, where a happy family didn't quite exist for her anymore.

Seven is supposed to be a lucky number, is it not? What a shitty superstition.

Though that birthday was 16 years ago, why should it matter now. The blonde had her own two story loft in LA. The window in the living room showing itself high off a ledge while also revealing the LA City below.

She was a successful woman, with her novels and turned movies. Mainly her books would tell a story of mystery and murder, some were popular romances, others were coming of age, etc, but for her newer book she was asked to write something different.

Her life's story...

Sasha is sitting on her big white couch while spamming a controller, ferociously attempting to beat a boss in a game called Vagabondia Chronicles. Something her old friend use to ramble about before she left... sometimes Sasha wish she listened.

"Shit-! Fire spells don't work on this guy?!" the woman curses. She doubles up on her combos and a glint appears in her eye as she tries to deliver the finishing blow—.... The power to the TV cuts out... Sasha just stared baffled before flipping out "WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FFF—?!?" She raises her controller the air to slam it down, but instead she begins taking in deep breaths then sets it down slowly. "It's okay Waybright, only the 7th time... in a row..." She chuckles with an unhinged look.

Being really honest she wanted to throw and break something, because solving the timed puzzles to the boss room were the trickiest parts. Plus she was SO close-! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN-?!?

Sasha shouts to her ceiling with an annoyed tone, "Ughhh-! Why do you do this to me, universe?"

"Because you asked for my help, and have been waisting the many opportunities I've handed to you."

Sasha looks up shocked and finds a woman with wispy and glowing blue curls for hair, who stood in the hall with a white dress flowing with no wind. The almost hidden twigs and leaves within her curls were constantly changing, like an array of seasons; growing then disappearing like a small flame, only to grow back from new buds. Thin twigs with leaves curled around and floated like a halo above the woman. It had stars, three stars right in the center, shimmering their different hues. And her eyes, those soft glowing and light blue star shaped eyes, bore into the blonde with a bit of irritation.

"WHAT THE FU—" Sasha was cut off as the goddess somehow swiftly hushed her lips with one finger.

"Refrain from swearing, please." She steps back to sit in the air, "It's distasteful in my ears."

Sasha brain was processing slowly. She heard her voice, is seeing this woman that somehow got into her home, actually felt her on the physical plane, and now she's defying gravity...

"I am The Guardian of Change, and I am here to..." The goddess looks over at the unusually quiet Sasha, "Oh frogs."

Sasha's soul was leaving her body from shock.

"Get back here you lazy spirit—!" The Guardian ferociously grabbed hold of the poor soul's tail and shoved it back down the human's throat.

Sasha took a deep and heavy gasp while rising up too quickly, and promptly knocked heads with the Goddess.



The Guardian backed up in pain rubbing her forehead, "What is the matter with you-??? And why is your big forehead so rock-hard-???"

"Says you-!" Sasha held the injured area with her hand, "What are you doing trespassing into my home-? Thats actually weird and fricken terrifying-!"

The two continued bickering about who was in the wrong, and eventually Sasha chose to walk over to the kitchen. Opening the fridge she gained two ice-packs, holding one on herself before walking back.

"Ms. Guardian, want ice for that?" She kindly extended the other ice-pack, but still felt a little pestered.

The Guardian looked at the object reluctantly before taking it, "Thank you, Ms. Waybright." The goddess placed the pack on her head as she sat floating in the air. As for Sasha, she plopped back onto the white couch.

Silence filled the room as the two decided to cool off more from their earlier banter. Sasha thought for a bit during the small silence, and wanted answers from the Goddess.

"Alright, I feel like we're cooled off enough now," The blonde broke the empty air, "and I have some questions for you."

The Goddess sighed silently and looked at the blonde, "Okay, shoot for it."

"Why are you here?"

The Guardian floated and sat on the couch right next to the other woman, "You asked for help to write your latest book three months ago, and haven't started on anything at all when I was the only God who answered."

Sasha backtracked remembering... the night where she was at her desk with crushed papers and tons of others spewed everywhere.

"Oh... I did." She scratched her head, "I didn't think It'd actually do something though?"

The Guardian frowned and rolled her eyes, "It did do something. I did everything I could to give you chances to write your novel, but you just never took them."

Sasha recalls times in the past few months where inconvenient things would happen when she wanted to spend her time on something else, or convent moments where she'd openly have left over time (which she spent on video games).

"Wait... Are you the reason why I've been struggling to progress in Vagabondia?!" Sasha angrily points.

"Oh my frogs! You're seriously still on about the game?" The Guardian stands up just as irritated as before, "I'm here to help you finish your newest novel Waybright, take this convo with me seriously."

Sasha huffs when crossing her arms, "Alright, I apologize but how will you help?"

The Goddess twirls her finger, then the woman is suddenly in different clothing. "I'm taking place as your personal manager until we get your issues resolved. In fact I've got a cover artist already lined up for you, she is the best in the arts." She announces with a smirk as she floats onto the floor in front of sitting Sasha.

"You're kidding...?"

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