✵Chapter XIII✵ ✵A meeting and a letter✵

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The rain sloshed unpleasantly down Aneska's back, sending shivers up her spine. But she was already soaked to the skin anyway. They all were absolutely drenched. Nothing to do but trudge on through the mud. The forest they were winding through did little to divert the rain How she missed the warm days.

The rain had begun early yesterday morning, and it had not let up at all.

Since the crossing on the Ferry at Bucklebury on the night of the twenty-third, they hadn't seen or heard anything of the Wraiths. Aneska felt slightly disquieted by their absence and kept expecting them to jump out of some corner.

"There are lights over there!" called Merry over the ruckus of the rain

They all looked in the direction he was pointing in, and sure enough, through the downpour, Aneska could see golden lights, glowing invitingly at them.

"It must be Bree!" Aneska said, her heart rising

Pippin groaned and said "Let's hurry! How I long to be dry and warm!"

"I second that!" said Sam, his face hopeful

The forest continued for another three yards, then opened up to the over-large village gate.

"Come on." Said Frodo, crossing the road and leading the way to the gate.

Frodo knocked heavily on the door, and a panel slid open. Through it, Aneska could see the wizened face of Harry the Gatekeeper. It promptly closed again and a different panel level with Frodo opened.

"What do you want?" He said, grumpy as ever

"We are headed for the Prancing Pony."

"Hobbits! Four hobbits!" He said with surprise "Traveling with a girl! And a horse too! And out of the shire by your talk. What business brings you to Bree?"

"We wish to stay at the inn, our business is our own." answered Frodo defensively

"Alright young sir!" He said, unlocking the gate "I meant no offense!"

"It's my job to ask questions after nightfall" he said omitting them "There's talk of strange folk abroad, can't be too careful."

"Strange folk?" questioned Aneska "What kind?"

Old Harry stopped, looked at her, then said "Either a gossiper or a troublemaker you are, tread lightly, or I'll make you fill out the questionnaire."

"I am neither," said Aneska "I was merely asking."

"And I merely don't give out a body's information to unknown people." He retorted

Before she could answer Frodo grabbed her arm."Aneska," he said, "leave it, let's go."

She nodded, realizing she was making them all wait "Sorry." She murmured

"Where is the Prancing Pony?" asked Pippin

"I don't know.." said Frodo "I've never been to Bree before."

"I have," said Aneska "I know the way."

"Great." said Frodo

Aneska now led the way through the streets. All of the people lingering seemed menacing in the rain, especially to the hobbits, who had rarely seen the 'big people'.

At last, they came to the inn. The door was wide open, despite the falling rain, and its light streamed out. They could all hear the roars of laughter coming from the numerous people most likely inside. Aneska turned and said to Frodo "I'm going to go to see about stabling for Thalion here, you go inside and get dry and try to find us a room. The bartender is kind and helpful."

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