The journey's beginning

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One fateful day, a small creature decided to leave his 1 foot by 1 foot apartment he remodeled with the help of galvanized square steel and eco friendly wood veneer so he could touch grass. He was a small feline creature with a fluffy tail and ear tufts named Gumplo. Gumplo set his paws on the newly-cut grass (thanks to the hobo living in his walls) and breathed in fresh air, something he hadn't done in years. Why did I stay in that apartment for all these years? That was an omega move. I need to become the most skibidi sigma there is, he thought to himself. But to become the most skibidi sigma in the world, he'd have to go on a quest. So he packed 5 cans of bloxy cola and a pistol, and he set off into the world, seeking for something to help him rizz.

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